nw.js crashes on windows

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  • My game players recently reported that the game window suddenly disappeared and closed. There is no record in the debug file in the installation directory.

    I used the game output in nw.js format. The version for nw is 0.82.

    This will not happen to all players, but only to some. It's not clear what triggers it, it could be a few minutes or a few hours after opening the game. This led to my inability to reproduce.

    And, this isn't a problem with my single game. Both of my games (both with nwjs) had the same problem.

    It all comes from a lot of player feedback, which I can't reproduce.

    I would like to ask if there are other authors who have encountered the same problem. Also please advise how to solve this problem? Is it version compatibility with nwjs?


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  • My game players recently reported that the game window suddenly disappeared and closed. There is no record in the debug file in the installation directory.

    I used the game output in nw.js format. The version for nw is 0.82.

    This will not happen to all players, but only to some. It's not clear what triggers it, it could be a few minutes or a few hours after opening the game. This led to my inability to reproduce.

    And, this isn't a problem with my single game. Both of my games (both with nwjs) had the same problem.

    It all comes from a lot of player feedback, which I can't reproduce.

    I would like to ask if there are other authors who have encountered the same problem. Also please advise how to solve this problem? Is it version compatibility with nwjs?

    As a side note: I used the R368-2 version of c3.

    Is it a bug in this version?

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