We need a Nintendo Switch port of Construct>>>We are behind scheduled !!!

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    That's why we need to make changes NOW !!!! Let's work together on an Exporter for the Nintendo Switch or the Ps4 cause we need to get onboard one way or another, NOW !!!

    its time to work on an Exporter with Chowdren or any other source and Construct2/3 cause we HTML/JS Developers can't stand behind for long <<< We need to conect wisdom and start building a New Engine to Export from HTML/JS to C++ and so on <<<<< Let's build up the next engine >>> CONCHOW <<< or CHOWCON <<< There you go with a name for the New EXPORTATION ENGINE <<< I'll go with CHOWCON. God bless

    > > Who are those companies !?!?! and please don't mention Chowdren cause they are way busy and I ain't waiting for two years for a response. Why don't you try to get along with those companies instead and bring them to Construct in an official way.

    > > I'd point out that as I mentioned, people can, and do, publish their Construct games to Switch and PS4 using third-party companies.

    It's not as easy as "getting along" with the Chowdren Team or any company that's willing to port your projects to a native environment. Business is complicated and cooperating on such a level would require a great amount of legal and set up work. Native ports of games often, if not always require specific changes to be made to the build process, assuming an automatic builder/compiler is used at all. This alone would require tons of work since most games use 3rd party addons and similar.

    (As a side note. Good luck getting Chowdren or other 3rd parties on board with sharing their profits with Scirra. Why should they, if they can just independently provide the service and get 100% for it?)

    I know it's frustrating but that's just how things are. Piracy prevention aside, Nintendo probably saw that there weren't a lot of HTML5 games on the WII U and decided to drop support for it. Unless there are thousands of developers requesting it, I don't see this happening anytime soon.

    That's why we need to make changes NOW !!!! Let's work together on an Exporter for the Nintendo Switch or the Ps4 cause we need to get onboard one way or another, NOW !!!

    Don't get me wrong but if it was that easy, Scirra with their years of experience would've done it already. It's much faster to just remake entire games inside another engine with the exporters you need, than going through the process of setting up a "native converter".

    You aren't the first one to ask for native exporters, it's been done so many times in the past and never really resulted in anything. Back then we didn't have services like Chowdren, so it might be worth politely asking them again for their support. They seem to specifically support Construct and have a compilation process going, while other 3rd party services mostly do line-by-line ports. If you're willing to invest a lot of money for a line-by-line port, you might as well put some work into switching the game engine and hire some freelancers to help you out.

    Along with Chowdren another porting company exists


    And they handle porting to Switch,Ps4 etc

    Please, feel free to develop your own console engine. But note you'll be shouldering the costs and risks I mentioned earlier. If you find a third-party company who have already dealt with Construct games, they will be a long way ahead.

    Yeah the risks should be considered. They got the Wii port going just in time for Nintendo to abandon the platform.I do not blame them for not wanting to have to worry about that kind of thing.

    Yes, who are these third party companies?

    I already reached out to the only two I'm aware of (Chowdren, and the company who ported Penelope) a long time ago. One of them doesn't seem to want to take on new projects,and while the other did reply to me they quoted a price for the job that, without giving away numbers, was completely bonkers (about 10 times the production budget of the actual game).

    In short, these are not real solutions. If you know of any other companies who do this work, please let me know - I will get in touch with them immediately.

    Yeah the risks should be considered. They got the Wii port going just in time for Nintendo to abandon the platform.I do not blame them for not wanting to have to worry about that kind of thing.

    Wii had web framework and could run html5 stuff. Switch does not. So it was not really any porting of the code going on afaik.

    I just think diferent , I did work 4 years very hard to developed my game on the Nintendo WiiU and my game still on the eShop and I did it because I was persistent and I believed in myself, I never put excuses of any sort,

    everything its posible !!!

    I don't see any future on Construct2/3 for us HTML/JS Developers, If you guys don't want to keep looking for solutions for any Exporter then that's you, and I don't care How much time could take for an exportation of my game with any other source company but I tell you this I,m gonna export my new project on a Consoled> Switch or Playstation 4 ,5 ,6 or 7 I,m gonna work on that by keep on looking new solutions.

    Don't just be a dreamer but be a believer

    att AR TeamOne

    God Bless,,,

    Yes, who are these third party companies?

    One of them doesn't seem to want to take on new projects,and while the other did reply to me they quoted a price for the job that, without giving away numbers, was completely bonkers (about 10 times the production budget of the actual game).

    I'd be interested in greater transparency here. Obviously no two games are the same, but ballpark figures - was the porting cost £X,XXX or £XX,XXX?

    I'd be interested in greater transparency here. Obviously no two games are the same, but ballpark figures - was the porting cost £X,XXX or £XX,XXX?

    £XX,XXX :(

    That's very interesting - low 5 figures or high 5 figures? I could just about understand £10-15k, but if it's £50k+ you might as well rebuild the entire game in a different engine, or hire someone to do so. I'll admit ignorance here but I assumed the benefit of porting runtimes like Chowdren is that a bulk of the engine is already mapped 1:1

    More than 15, less than 50. That's as specific as I'll go.

    Anyway, I appreciated their response but for my situation it just wasn't worth it.

    Let me guess !!! $2,500 ???

    More than 15, less than 50. That's as specific as I'll go.

    Anyway, I appreciated their response but for my situation it just wasn't worth it.

    More than 15, less than 50. That's as specific as I'll go.

    Anyway, I appreciated their response but for my situation it just wasn't worth it.

    I mean technically speaking, if your game was already a success on PC, you could in theory just write off on your taxes the amount you'd need to spend on how much it would cost any third party company to port your game onto another platform, right?

    Although, they'd have to give you a receipt for you to write it off. Of course, I don't know if they do that or not.

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    Nintendo don't currently support HTML5 games on Switch... You should ask Nintendo for HTML5 games support, since if they add that we can add support directly.

    So, the short answer is:

    We do not plan to do anything for this, the Construct will not support Nintendo Switch. Never. Ask Nintendo for this.

    And this answer is very disappointing. Of course, Nintendo will not change a successful console, for the sake of a small engine. I understand that you are a small team, but you are making an engine for indie developers and are not going to support the most popular indie game console? Seriously?

    This is the same when I read that the Construct, which 2D engine only, still does not support animation with deformation mesh.

    No wonder people choose a different engine. You do not even promise that features will appear someday in the future. Features that are just basic needs in other engines.

    I apologize for the tone.

    I really like the Construct.

    but these two missing features make me think not to develop a game project on it.

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