Multiplayer - Not possible to join as HOST anymore

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Hey everyone

    I was working on a multiplayer game for the past week.

    Yesterday evening all was fine, but when i wanted to continue today, i realised that the first client opening the game does no longer become the host as usual.

    I asked myself if i messed up something and re-opened the original realtime multiplayer shooter file (which i used as template). Same happens when i launch that project.

    Went one level down and opened the chat tutorial. This one works. I become the host when i launch the project.

    What happened since midnight??? What is the difference? The signalling/log in code in chat tutorial, rt-shooter and my own project look identical to me.

    Anybody has any clue?

    I also can't figure out a way to FORCE myself to be the host. If i understand correctly the first who enters the game should be the host and there's no way around?

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  • that's how the log looks on first browser window.

    also there seems to be 2 peers connected (should be only 1 as to my understanding?)

    and there's a peer joining with weird cyrillic letters as username.

  • Changing RoomName and GameName fixed it. Seemingly someone else can be in the same room with their own game or something. So they became my host..?

  • If the games have the same names, and instance names, and join the same room name then yes, they can connect to totally different games.

    Give your game name a unique-ish name and you should be fine.

    Using another (your own) signal server also works, as your both likely using Scirra's.

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