I was wondering, is there some hidden connection made when objects are created upon connection/peer connection?
To get what I need working (a hand of cards for each player) I instead just create objects on the host and peer separately. So there's nothing there that is synced or associated directly by events.
However when I try to destroy the cards on the host, upon the peer disconnecting, it freezes. (NOTE: when running in debug, the amount of card instances are updated based on how many were deleted, but beyond that it's frozen).
I've tried deleting instances based on comparison, deleting all instances, calling a function to delete the cards, however every one of those just results in a freeze.
I can run different events in the on peer disconnect, and I can destroy an object that started in the layout without any issue.
I tried also looking at the multiplayer example projects I'd already been using as reference, but they don't function like mine does now.
So is there some kind of hidden connection made, because these cards are being created upon the connection-even though they aren't being destroyed automatically via disconnect or altered in any other way normally?
Is there a specific method you're meant to use in this case?
Would really appreciate some guidance on this.