Mobile optimization related questions

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  • I have sprites that are intended for a resolution of 320x180, but my project is 1280x720 because i want to have some more fluid animations (using the "tween" behavior) and I was wondering is it better to resize them directly in the engine (as in the picture) or do it with an external program such as photoshop and import them into the engine.

    Will the performance be worse if I do it directly in the engine?

    Will the size of the application be less if I do it directly in the engine?

  • scaling bigger is better, but you can also set the resolution to 320x180, fullscreen quality to high, and it will automatically upscale if possible with the appropriate fullscreen mode

  • scaling bigger is better, but you can also set the resolution to 320x180, fullscreen quality to high, and it will automatically upscale if possible with the appropriate fullscreen mode

    rescaling in engine or in external programs is better?

    I also thought about doing the 320x180 project but as I said it would make some animations not smooth.

    Sorry if I didn't understand your answer completely but not being a native speaker I don't understand some things directly, anyway thanks for the reply!

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  • Scaling up in Construct by resizing the object is much better. If you resize the actual image to be larger, it will needlessly waste memory.

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