What are "Loops" that show up in Inspector?

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  • Hello,

    During debugging, one recursive function called itself a bit too much, and a "Uncaught (in promise) InternalError: too much recursion" exception showed in console.

    But the inspector showed something called "Loops" inside the System object. It is like an array with 230 entries, each one contains: "4 / 5".. except the last one: "0 / 5".

    I checked the docs but couldn't find anything.

    It looks like a handy feature, but I can't understand it!

    So, what is "Loops" and what does its content mean?

    Thank you.

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  • I have never seen this "Loops" section. I tried adding a few loops and recursive function calls in a test project and still don't see it in the debug view.

    Could you post a screenshot?

  • I have never seen this "Loops" section. I tried adding a few loops and recursive function calls in a test project and still don't see it in the debug view.

    Could you post a screenshot?

    Me too. It seems to be triggered by the aforementioned exception.

    I managed to replicate the behavior. It needs a recursive function with a loop. Here is the code and the result:

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