can no longer save project with "download a copy"

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  • This is how i've always saved my work. Never had any issues now c3 won't save.

    Project > save as > download a copy. It reaches 100% then the box just disappears and thats it, no new file.

    What can the problem be? Tried restarting computer and chrome, still the same.


  • This is how i've always saved my work. Never had any issues now c3 won't save.

    Project > save as > download a copy. It reaches 100% then the box just disappears and thats it, no new file.

    What can the problem be? Tried restarting computer and chrome, still the same.


    just an idea. Since the new chrome update (i think or is it construct?) , after the download completes to 100% there is now another pop up box asking you where you want to save. (even though I do not have that option checked in chrome advanced settings)

    If you dont confirm the save it scraps the downloaded file. maybe you are missing or blocking the save as dialog somehow.

    I hope I can change it back to the old way downloading the copy with auto number suffix as it was much safer.

  • Thanks for the suggestion. I had a look and its set to off so no change unfortunately. It's pretty annoying, i don't have much time to spend on my game as it is now i have to try and sort out this browser problem thats suddenly just happened for no reason.

    I tried c3 in Safari instead but it only works with the latest version so i have to update my os just to try it. Sigh.

  • NetOne

    Turns out you were right. Apparently chromes built in pop up blocker was blocking its own message? Even though i don't have that pop up box asking where you want the file to be saved enabled in advance settings it's still doing it, but was being blocked.

    Disabling pop up blocker on worked.

  • I ran into the same issue and had to give permissions for the Construct 3 editor in Chrome. I'm guessing it started after Chrome was last updated.

  • This is a pretty serious problem! I worked on a new project tonight for about an hour (thankfully it wasn't more than that) and tried to save it using "Download a Copy". It looked like the save worked perfectly. No warnings or error messages. So I quit Construct 3 and went to eat dinner. After I got back to the computer I couldn't find the file anywhere. Apparently, it didn't save and I lost everything.

    Just to confirm the fix for this:

    1. I had to go into Chrome Settings and under Downloads I turned ON the feature: "Ask where to save each file before downloading".

    This STILL didn't work because, as noted above, Chrome is apparently blocking its own popup.

    2. In Chrome Settings under Advanced / Privacy and Security / go to Popups. You need to ALLOW

  • John Cutter;

    Thanks for pointing out how to fix this. I wondered where the saves were going--I thought I was backing up my project but I wasn't.



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  • Ashley Tom

    Maybe Scirra needs to make people aware of this?

  • We dealt with this on the bug tracker:

    The problem is downloads can be blocked by browser extensions like UBlock. If you're affected, make sure you allow Construct permission to open popup windows, or disable the extension on the domain. Judging by the Chrome bug report that was subsequently filed, it ought to be fixed in Chrome 66 (out soon).

  • hey, any news or workaround on that?

  • hey, any news or workaround on that?

    Well it was fixed in Chrome 66 about two years ago.

    Make sure to update to the latest release of chrome (and Construct) available and you shouldn't have any further issue.

    If you still do encounter an issue, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:


  • lol sorry, dunno why but I thought to post on different thread :P

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