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  • Hello. I don't have a c2 license, but I can afford to buy a c3 license. It will be very inconvenient for me to do the extra work of transferring the project from c2 to c3, especially since most of the logic can use plugins that most likely will not work in c3. I don't want to do extra work and I can afford licenses.

    Is there a way to negotiate with the developers and release the game on the c2 engine, having a c3 license?


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  • Most, if not all, c2 plugins has been ported to c3 now. and normally you do not need to do much amendments to the logic at all, most c2 projects work just fine directly in c3.

  • Most, if not all c2 plugins has been ported to c3 now

    This is not exactly true. Many C2 plugins have not been and never will be ported, for example very popular Canvas and Paster. If the project is using them, the only option is to stay in C2.

    Aizark Have you tried opening the project in C3? Maybe it won't require much extra work.

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