Left Hand input support in C3 ????

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  • Ashley & C3 Devs

    Guys, looks like you are embracing touch screen / touch / stylus input for this C3 going forwards.

    I currently work with Surface pro.

    40% of the time I use it undocked as a tablet with stylus and touch input control. (it is especially suited to drawing with its excellent stylus input)

    However C2, and 99% of software out there, doesn't lend themselves well to touch/ stylus input,

    with hard to grab handles and various contextual, button, menu, and dialog box issues.

    clearly you will have had to address these issues C3

    but I am wondering if you have considered us Devil's children who use our left hands?

    the biggest issue is scrollbars always being on the right hand side of windows and menus.

    For a left hander, it means that our hand/finger/stylus is always covering up the scrolling area that we need to see.

    it is particularly an issue with small popup menus with scroll bars on the right

    but is a general issue where there are buttons or other selections have to be made where the information for the selection is to the left.

    I have noticed in recent years left hand options creeping into some touch applications.

    I would be very appreciative if Scirra could do the same, somewhere along the line, if you haven't done so already, for C3.


  • Great question and something we haven't actually considered! Just had a quick look online, and seems like it's not possible in CSS to position scrollbars to the left of the container.

    I think there would be some aspects of the UI you could change to be more left hand friendly when it's released with CSS.

  • Ahh,,,,

    never mind, we are used to it

    .....Ill keep dreaming of the day

    Maybe i'll hit up Google and the curators of CSS with a letter on behalf of the forgotten 10%....


  • Great question and something we haven't actually considered! Just had a quick look online, and seems like it's not possible in CSS to position scrollbars to the left of the container.

    I think there would be some aspects of the UI you could change to be more left hand friendly when it's released with CSS.

    Not an intended possibility, but changing the reading direction swaps the scrollbar to the appropriate side, so from there you just flip the children back to the original:


    Voila - left aligned scrollbars <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • > Great question and something we haven't actually considered! Just had a quick look online, and seems like it's not possible in CSS to position scrollbars to the left of the container.


    > I think there would be some aspects of the UI you could change to be more left hand friendly when it's released with CSS.


    Not an intended possibility, but changing the reading direction swaps the scrollbar to the appropriate side, so from there you just flip the children back to the original:


    Voila - left aligned scrollbars <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    OMG <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised">

    I have never seen scroll bars on the left before !!!!

    I think I am going to cry......

    (ps I have no idea about CSS or how to implement it but if this is something I can do in C3 please when you have the time, a little tutorial pretty please....)

    I am still in a daze after seeing that......... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked">

  • I'm very much looking forward to styling C3 - there's a few caveats that the above trick wont work on (really anything without defined size properties).

    An accessibility theme is already on my to-do list; I'll add left hand version now!

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  • Hmm nice trick there!

  • I'm very much looking forward into styling C3 - there's a few caveats that the above trick wont work on (really anything without defined size properties).

    An accessibility theme is already on my to-do list; I'll add left hand version now!

    What! Are you a Scirra dev? or doing this for the greater good of humanity ? (and/ profit?)

    Either way this would be life changing for us lefties.

    I salute you sir.........

  • Not a Scirra dev; but I do work in front-end web development, which is the skillset used to style C3

    Any styles would free and for the good of mankind!

    ...For now! Mwahaha

  • Not a Scirra dev; but I do work in front-end web development, which is the skillset used to style C3

    Any styles would free and for the good of mankind!

    ...For now! Mwahaha

    I'll pay for a good theme

  • I'll pay for a good theme

    While it's not directly related to usage accessibility, I'd pay for a well made dark editor theme if Scirra somehow misses that for the launch.

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