What is index.html local address in ios(xcode)?

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Ludo Local Multiplayer board game can be played by 2 to 4 players
  • I want to create several html files as different levels of the game and switch between them during the game. I use webview to get export in apk format. When I want to go from one html to another html, I use the "go to url" action and this URL (for example): file: ///android-asset/index2.html

    And it works well after getting the webview export.

    But for iOS, I do not know which address to enter in the url field?

  • It might be better to use an iframe for this, but you should not need to use a full URL - a relative URL should work fine. Also don't use the file:// scheme at all, modern Cordova exports use custom URL schemes (e.g. app:// on iOS) which make things like this work much more easily.

  • It might be better to use an iframe for this, but you should not need to use a full URL - a relative URL should work fine. Also don't use the file:// scheme at all, modern Cordova exports use custom URL schemes (e.g. app:// on iOS) which make things like this work much more easily.

    Suppose I create an xcode project with a construct3.

    This project has a "www" folder, Where there is an "index.html" file.

    Now I want to have another html file to go to it, during the game.

    Well, I can not put the second html game in the main "www" folder because its contents may interfere with the contents of the previous file. So, I create another folder in the "www" folder and name it, for example: "second".

    Now inside the game, I put a browser object and where necessary, I call the "go to url" action. Now my question is what address should I enter in the url field? Is this true according to what you said?

    "app: //www/second/index2.html"

    (Note: I want to use the browser object, not the iframe object. Because I tried iframe. There were problems. For example, only a black screen appeared and another problems)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Try a relative URL like "second/index.html".

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