Hiding Notch on phone screen doesn't work anymore?

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Is a circular loading screen with code ready to use. No Animation.
  • When I try to export project to android the hide status bar option doesn't seem to work anymore, any suggestions?

    Also Android splash icon is displayed rounded, part of the image is cut off.

    Has anyone had similar experiences?


  • Platforminfo.SafeAreaInset... shows 0 for every direction, doesn't work whatever you choose, Viewport Fit: cover or auto same thing. Also hide status bar doesn't work any more so there is no way to hide notch area on screen.

    Maybe Ashley have some suggestion?

  • I'm afraid the safe area values aren't correct at the moment in Android exports due to this Google bug.

  • I'm afraid the safe area values aren't correct at the moment in Android exports due to this Google bug.

    The bug is from 2020 and it makes sense because from then until now the platforminfo safe area has't worked but with C3 build service it was possible to hide notch area by simply checking "hide status bar" option and Viewport Fit: auto.

    It worked at the beginning of this year, last year, etc but now doesn't work any more and I don't understand the reason. Any help for this?

  • Ashley Just one more thing. I wanted to buy


    but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official (although construct platform info haven't worked from the start) so there is no possibility for someone else to do something similar. :-(

  • Ashley Just one more thing. I wanted to buy


    but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official (although construct platform info haven't worked from the start) so there is no possibility for someone else to do something similar. :-(

    At the bottom it is written that the plugin is depreciated

  • > Ashley Just one more thing. I wanted to buy

    > https://www.constructcollection.com/documentations/mobile/mobile-notch

    > but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official (although construct platform info haven't worked from the start) so there is no possibility for someone else to do something similar. :-(

    At the bottom it is written that the plugin is depreciated

    True, but I talked to them and asked if they could do it and understood that it was what I stated.

    Anyway if we don't check the "hide status bar" option during C3 build, status bar on bottom and notch area on top will bi hidden but if we check that option everything will be covered instead of just the status bar at the bottom.

    I don't know if it's that hard to fix that...

  • but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official

    There are no rules preventing anyone creating addons that replicate built-in features.

    The built-in addons are not however open source and are not allowed to be used by third-party developers, mainly because doing so causes extremely bad compatibility problems. I think you've probably got the wrong impression from that.

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  • > but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official

    There are no rules preventing anyone creating addons that replicate built-in features.

    The built-in addons are not however open source and are not allowed to be used by third-party developers, mainly because doing so causes extremely bad compatibility problems. I think you've probably got the wrong impression from that.

    Maybe, as far as I remember there was some problem related to 'whitelist'... I will see to contact them again because we really need that option to avoid design problems.

  • Hi Ashley

    Has this issue been fixed?

    That bug report is from "Jun 12, 2020" nearly 3 years and is still not working for me.

    I tested on a Galaxy 8 and it always returns 0.

    Tested both (Web export & Android Debug APK)

    I spoke to other devs and say that the "Native version" should work so why can you not implement that?

    Also, someone made a plugin here:


    I dont know the person, why not implement it as an official?

    How long more are you planning to wait?

    As this is an important plugin it shouldn't have taken that long, it's hard to place the UI without this info.

  • I totally agree, еven Chadori doesn't offer Notch plugin but points to the official plugin which doesn't work. This is must have feature, it's impossible to implement good looking responsive UI without that.


  • There are no rules preventing anyone creating addons that replicate built-in features.

    With Ashley's blessing, I've reinstated, redesigned and updated the Mobile Notch plugin, which will be available in the next release.

    I've made it as close as possible to the Platform Info object for easy migration. And I can confirm it solves the notch detection issue on the Webview or Cordova, by adding an option to use the native API instead of the Web API.

    More info in the documentation page linked below.


  • Finally good news...

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