Graphical Glitch

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  • Got a question, I'd normally post a bug report, but I would have no idea how to replicate this. Sort of just wondering if anyone knows what it is.

    The screenshot is below. The thing in question is that white wavy texture. It is appearing over the wall which is a tilemap. According to the player it showed up when they were playing not from the start. There is no asset in the game that's even close to that so it isn't coming from the game files.

    Sort of just wondering if this is some sort of graphical glitch, like a driver issue or something to that effect. Its only been this one player so it isn't wide spread whatever it is. Still trying to get their specs. If anyone has any insight its appreciated.

  • try several things to check if this glitch comes again.

    copy tilemap and paste it on new project and check if issue also pasting.

    try delete or reimport image. If its still there then you can send this file to scirra team.

  • Are you using effects that rely on webgl ?

    If so, perhaps test the game with webgl disabled.

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  • Problem with testing is that it has never happened for me. As I'm developing the game I've run it extensively. That area is right where you start the game so I see it constantly.

    My guess is that it must be hardware for specific users. And given the number of people who have played it and it being reported twice I assume an extremely small group have the issue.

    Really I just wanted to know if anyone knows what it is. It looks like something used by the engine to do something.

    As for webGL effects those particular tilemaps have no effects attached to them. Even the lighting in that image is just sprites set to a certain blend mode.

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