is google IAP out of date in construct 3?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I have been trying to setup test billing the last 2 days on google IAP. I have followed it all in the tutorials on google console.

    I put my details as a license tester and download for internal testing.. but when testing the game it does not have the test credit card details as it should. It is only displaying my own personal credit card. There are no options for the test payments.

    Anyone have any experience with the google API? I am wondering if construct is using a lower version of the API and is no longer compatible with test payments?

  • Ignore this it seems to be working now. It took a long time to register the license tester accounts.

  • bob777 so you got it working? Can you share your event sheet for loading and purchasing IAP? I think I have everything set up correctly, but I can't get anything to appear when I press the button to purchase. it's driving me nuts.

  • bob777 so you got it working? Can you share your event sheet for loading and purchasing IAP? I think I have everything set up correctly, but I can't get anything to appear when I press the button to purchase. it's driving me nuts.

    The buttons won't work in game preview. You have to compile it to APK first and it will work on your android device if setup correctly.

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  • bob777 so you got it working? Can you share your event sheet for loading and purchasing IAP? I think I have everything set up correctly, but I can't get anything to appear when I press the button to purchase. it's driving me nuts.

    Here is my code for IAP

  • Thanks for sharing. I'm sure this will help a lot of people out. I was able to figure it out for a non-consumable purchase to remove ads from my game. All good now!

  • Thanks a lot for sharing it

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