Game Level design json, include in project or load from cdn, to avoid direct viewing

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From the Asset Store
With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • If i don't want the json that contains the main level data to be seen by others, is it better to include it in the project itself or is better to load from cdn at runtime? Or will it be viewable in both cases


  • In a web game I would say it doesn't matter.

    In a desktop export it will be much easier to access this file when it's included in the project. But even if you download it in runtime, it will still be possible for people to intercept it.

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  • Mine is a web game.

    I notice that when there is any error in loading from remote cdn the path gets printed to console. And although the path is token protected the player has the token in order to downloaded the file remotely through construct so i guess it would be extremely easy to download it directly from the cdn and read the whole file

    Loading remotely is easier for for future edits because base game remains the same however if for web including the file in the project makes it harder to see then the effort would be worth it. But i take it either way it's going to be easy to see the file ?

  • Loading remotely is easier for for future edits because base game remains the same however if for web including the file in the project makes it harder to see then the effort would be worth it.

    If it's a web game and you have access to the server where it's hosted, you can simply update the json file, without re-uploading the entire game.

    Loading json from the same server should be more secure.

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