Fullscreen Problem

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  • 4 posts
  • Hi everbody,

    I export my game as a Android Studio project. When I build the game and install on my phone the game never get in fullscreen.

    I also tried these methods

    minified and non minified exports

    put a button on screen to trigger fullscreen ( with Browser Plugin )

    added this code (android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen">) in manifest.xml file on Android Studio

    but didn't work

    Is there any solution

  • Hi everbody,

    I export my game as a Android Studio project. When I build the game and install on my phone the game never get in fullscreen.

    I also tried these methods

    minified and non minified exports

    put a button on screen to trigger fullscreen ( with Browser Plugin )

    added this code (android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen">) in manifest.xml file on Android Studio

    but didn't work

    Is there any solution

    you have setting letterbox scale or letterbox integer scale into the project options?

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  • I tried already. Didn't work.

  • I tried already. Didn't work.

    share the project file

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