I would like to get some feedback on my game

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From the Asset Store
five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • I have been working on this game since Nov 7 2023 and I am struggling finding an audience or people to play and give feedback, I though of posting on here to help find some people to do a quick play (the demo is probably around 20-30 minutes)

    EDIT: I forgot to post the link


  • Cool! Did you do the art?

  • Most of the assets I purchased from various creators on Itch io, The main character's sprites I drew but with a character base. I made all of the story and code stuff, I put all of it together

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  • Hey Yoshicat, I played briefly as I need to go to sleep. I would say that it is evident that you put a lot of love into it. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow. Also great music.

    The main gripe I had is frustrations with control. At the very first menu screen I thought the game wasn't working because the arrow keys and Enter didn't do anything. There also weren't any instructions on the page on how to actually control the game.

    Then eventually I realize it's WASD and Spacebar. OK. Next I had many moments even in these few minutes that I played where thought the game froze, but it didn't, it just took its time. I think that needs to be telegraphed to the player somehow. Like when I took the sword, just nothing happened for a few seconds, and then again for a few seconds. I didn't realize I was in a "cutscene".

    Then in that tutorial bit that explains how to attack I thought it was stuck again, but I needed to press spacebar to make the text pass.

  • Thanks for the information, I will add some features to combat these problems in the next Patch/Update

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