There was an error loading an addon, but you can't remove the addon because construct cant...

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  • So... You have a server. Its serving addons. You have an issue with the server, but thats okay, you don't need to work with a project using those other addons at the moment. Except construct has a problem with that. Construct wont start if it can't load those addons.

    You can't remove those addons, until you correct the server.

    This is pretty much an idiot loop...

    For some reason c3 wants 2 addons. It decided out of the blue it can't get A, despite the fact that I haven't had it hosted in a while and am not using A in my current project, and have b hosted instead.

    Why must I exit construct and ensure it can load an addon, so I can unload it?

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  • If you're using a local server for addon development, and you end up in a mess, the easiest way out is to clear browser storage (which has the effect of uninstalling all addons).

  • If you're using a local server for addon development, and you end up in a mess, the easiest way out is to clear browser storage (which has the effect of uninstalling all addons).

    That is gold, thank you!

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