Drawing Canvas doesn't Paste Object in Google Chrome

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  • Hello,

    I am working on a Puzzle game that needs to get the pixel data of an image to create the pieces. It works in every browser except Google Chrome and Opera. I've tried Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Falkon, Opera and Vivaldi.

    Is there a reason for that and if so how can I rectify this?

  • Canvas Paste action definitely works in Google Chrome, I used it hundreds of times. Maybe in your project you are removing the object before it gets pasted? This operation takes some time (one or several ticks) to complete.

  • Canvas Paste action definitely works in Google Chrome, I used it hundreds of times. Maybe in your project you are removing the object before it gets pasted? This operation takes some time (one or several ticks) to complete.

    It was actually a Construct issue fixed up until R281. In R283 the problem has returned, hopefulyl it's fixed again soon.

  • Please file an issue - we're close to a stable release and the next stable will go out as-is unless we get the chance to fix it before then, and to do that we need a bug report following all the guidelines.

  • Please file an issue - we're close to a stable release and the next stable will go out as-is unless we get the chance to fix it before then, and to do that we need a bug report following all the guidelines.

    Could you provide a link? I can't seem to find it, sorry.

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  • https://github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs

    Unfortunately I can't provide the project and am too busy to create a new minimal one with the exact logic. Thank you for your help though and please if could somehow try it yourself I would be grateful.Pasting an object on a Drawing Canvas won't work only in Chrome. It works fine everywhere else.

  • It works fine for me. And it took me 1 minute to test.

  • I have several tests involving Drawing Canvas, including some pretty complex ones, and they all work fine for me in r283. Usually bugs involve some very specific set of circumstances, but unless we know what those are, it's impossible to do anything about it. That's why we need people reporting issues to co-operate and follow those guidelines to make sure the problem can be fixed.

  • I have several tests involving Drawing Canvas, including some pretty complex ones, and they all work fine for me in r283. Usually bugs involve some very specific set of circumstances, but unless we know what those are, it's impossible to do anything about it. That's why we need people reporting issues to co-operate and follow those guidelines to make sure the problem can be fixed.

    This is not a personal project unforuntately so I cannot provide it. The game still won't work in Chrome which is a major issue for me and my company. What would be required for you to look into this?

  • See the bug report guidelines.

  • See the bug report guidelines.

    Thank you, I'll keep it in mind.

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