Construct 2 projects in Construct 3.

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  • Hi, a question for Ashley, until when can we keep loading Construct 2 projects in Construct 3? I have many projects created in Construct 2 and little by little I am moving them to Construct 3, but there are many and it will take time. I would like to know at what time more or less Construct 3 will not be able to open the Construct 2 capx. Thanks and sorry for my English :)

  • So as long as you are not using any old plugins in C2 projects, you should be able to open them in Construct 3 after the deadline.

    And even if your project is not compatible with C3 runtime, you can always open it in an older version of C3 editor.

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  • See the blog post Sunsetting Construct 2 where the quote dop2000 mentioned is from. You'll be able to import C2 projects indefinitely, providing they are compatible (i.e. you don't use third-party addons that are only available in C2).

  • You could also just open all your Construct 2 project in Construct 3 right now and save as Construct 3 files, just in case future versions break something. That way you have your original v2 files and v3 files just in case.

  • Thank you very much everyone for answering so quickly. Everything is clear to me, thank you;)

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