All of my Construct project that saved in LocalStorage is gone / missing

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • This is a scary issues, I save almost all of my Construct project on LocalStorage, since it's easy to access from Construct editor, I don't have any serious issue with it since the beginning of Construct 3.

    Recent projects is also empty

    Open and save localstorage options are missing on my Editor

    I update Construct 2 days ago, when there are a update prompt.

    Today I just realize that all of my projects is missing, it's a lot of works

    Where or how I can bring back all of my projects that stored in localstorage ?


    All installed plugins also gone

    I remember 2 days ago I clear a cache for "Last hour" in Chrome browser to see a game changes, but I don't know it also wipe out all Construct project

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  • you should save all projects in the cloud and create automatical backup (like every 5minute) on local HD. OR vice versa.

  • Yeah, I'd avoid using "Local storage" to store your project files. You could accidently delete your local storage projects when you do your "last hour" cleanup in Chrome.

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