Construct 3 new collisions tags maybe?

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  • So I've been using C2 for a few years now, and I've noticed some features missing from the engine. A lot of them have usually a work-around but there is always this one that I stumble upon. There is no collision tags, or collision layers.

    In case you don't understand, I am talking about having objects use a tag that makes them ignore collisions with objects using the same tag or objects using a different tag.

    For example recently I was trying to make a genetic evolution algorithm in C2, similar to this one and I wanted to have hundreds of Physics object overlapping each other without interacting with each other.

    So my question is:

    Is there a chance we are going to have Collision Tags available with C3, or maybe Collision with certain layers only?

    I think this is the only key feature missing from C2, that I would love to see in C3, and I believe that many would relate to this.

  • You can do that already using variables.

    Or are you wanting solid behavior filtering?

  • You can do that already using variables.

    Or are you wanting solid behavior filtering?

    newt what do you mean by "using variables" ?

    Let me give you an example.

    I have 100 physics objects and a Ground(immovable physics object).

    I separate those objects in two categories, A and B.

    I want objects from A to be able to collide with objects from B

    I want objects from B to be able to collide with objects from A

    I want objects from A and B to be able to collide with the Ground

    I want objects from A to not interact with other objects from A

    I want objects from B to not interact with other objects from B

    How would I do something like that without having a way to filter what objects collide with ?

    This is what the Unity engine uses for example

    You just have a "Default" tag for all objects and if you want something that does not collide with the default objects, you just make a new tag like "Enemies" and it will only collide with the tags that you want.

  • You would use a variable comparison in unison with the "on collision" conditions.

    What you are describing is an alteration to the physics behavior, as that is what handles collisions automatically just like the solid behavior.

  • So I've been using C2 for a few years now, and I've noticed some features missing from the engine. A lot of them have usually a work-around but there is always this one that I stumble upon. There is no collision tags, or collision layers.

    In case you don't understand, I am talking about having objects use a tag that makes them ignore collisions with objects using the same tag or objects using a different tag.

    For example recently I was trying to make a genetic evolution algorithm in C2, similar to this one and I wanted to have hundreds of Physics object overlapping each other without interacting with each other.

    So my question is:

    Is there a chance we are going to have Collision Tags available with C3, or maybe Collision with certain layers only?

    I think this is the only key feature missing from C2, that I would love to see in C3, and I believe that many would relate to this.

    Are you using chipmunk physics in C2? Because it has "collision groups" that determine if things collide or not. I use unity as well and this works the same way.

    And if you don't use Chipmunk then I strongly recommend it. It is a lot better than the default physics in C2:

  • OMG Anonnymitet this is what I was talking about. It would be nice if this was already inside C3 without the need to use an addon, also if this could work with collisions from stuff other than Physics objects (like the platform behaviour) it would be so good.

    Thanks so much Anonnymitet this saved me

  • eddynardo No problem Sadly it only works for other chipmunk objects but it makes working with physics a lot easier.

    Good luck with your project

  • Amazingly, collision filtering using category and mask bits could easily be made available in c2 physics (it's the default inside the Box2d web library that is used by c2 physics) but scirra decided to not incorporate it. I cannot think of one good reason why, because it's already supported in the code (see line 5331 of the physics runtime.js - if you're familiar with box2d you'll see what I mean).

  • this sort of feature is sorely needed by default.

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  • It does sound very useful. What do you think Ashley ?

  • I am having this problem. I want two mountain bikes to race each other on the same track in a 2d view. But when they try to pass each other at the moment they collide.

    Chipmonk Physics might solve the problem but am I going to have to re do all my Density, Linear Damping, Angular Damping, collision mask, speed settings?

  • Collision tags with box2d asm.js would be killer.

    +100000000 for this.

  • It does sound very useful. What do you think Ashley ?

    Let me take a wild guess here...

    Maybe R0J0hound will come to the rescue once we are out of Beta. Thats assuming he decides to rent Construct 3 as well.

  • OP was posted before our new feature suggestions platform went live. For topics like this I'd recommend submitting an idea to there and getting everyone interested to vote on it. That makes it more compelling if we know there's widespread demand.

  • Ah I don't even have to sign up to enter an idea? That's great. Thanks Ashley

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