Construct 3 Game on Steamdeck not detecting the buttons and trackpad.

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • So i have project creating game on steam, the game have keyboard and gamepad controller implemented, and we tried to run it on steamdeck, but no keys working, also with trackpad.

    do i need to add something to the game?

    or construct 3 not compatible yet with steamdeck?

    i upload the game with nwjs and win64 platform.

    but the touch screen is working normally.


    • What export and version are you using?
    • Can you clarify which part isn't working? No input at all, no gamepad and no keyboard?
    • You can press the Steam button on the Deck to change the controls from keyboard to gamepad, or opposite
    • What process did you use to put the game on your deck? Was it uploaded as a depot? Or added as a non-steam game?
    1. What export and version are you using?
    2. Can you clarify which part isn't working? No input at all, no gamepad and no keyboard?
    3. You can press the Steam button on the Deck to change the controls from keyboard to gamepad, or opposite
    4. What process did you use to put the game on your deck? Was it uploaded as a depot? Or added as a non-steam game?
    1. i export as nwjs, win64
    2. only touch screen working
    3. yes i just recently know this, but i want player didn't bother to switch controls if possible
    4. upload as depot
  • Do controls work when you add it as a non-steam game? (You can right click the game file and it shows "add to steam")

    Yeah I had this same problem when I first uploaded my game to steam as a depot. I was worried the controls would not work either.

    But for some reason, after the Steam staff checked the game build it worked fine after that. I think maybe they changed the default control setting or something.

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  • As I mentioned in another post, we have no problems with gamepad on Steam Deck in our game. We are using Linux64 export.

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