Clearing Browsing Data in Chrome removes add-ons and re-sets user settings

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  • It's really a pain to have to re-add all the plugins and reconfigure all of the user settings every time the Browsing Data is cleared. There is surely a better way to do orchestrate this. Put these settings in some local folder that is not affected by clearing the Chrome Browsing Data, users/USR/AppData/etc. for example, which has nothing from Construct!

    I work all the time in VSCode and FTP, with projects that require constant clearing of the Browsing Data to ensure that the most current results are being seen live, and then every time I go into Construct I have to set up everything again, sometimes 10-15 times in one day.

  • You shouldn't need to clear browsing data regularly. Why do you have to do that?

  • It's really a pain to have to re-add all the plugins and reconfigure all of the user settings every time the Browsing Data is cleared. There is surely a better way to do orchestrate this. Put these settings in some local folder that is not affected by clearing the Chrome Browsing Data, users/USR/AppData/etc. for example, which has nothing from Construct!

    I work all the time in VSCode and FTP, with projects that require constant clearing of the Browsing Data to ensure that the most current results are being seen live, and then every time I go into Construct I have to set up everything again, sometimes 10-15 times in one day.

    cookies not delete

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    cookies not delete

    I already have that set. It doesn't do anything to prevent the issue. I think it's in site settings, which you can't make site-specific settings for. Why would something like your plugins ever be in these transient type locations that are always subject to being cleared? Plugins, settings and config files are the essence of what goes into AppData>Roaming. Is there some kind of technical limitation because it's a browser-based piece of software?If not this should really be changed to behave like all other software.


    you can set this


    you can set this

    Please see my post again. The whole point is that users should be able to do something as common and basic as clearing their browser without corrupting Construct, which is seemingly not possible. Put the plugins and settings somewhere like local>roaming like other software, where they don't get deleted every time. I love Construct but this is not a good design. CCleaner doesn't offer anything more than Chrome as far as I know. I've been using it forever. If keeping the Construct cookies solved the issue, that could be accomplished in Chrome, but it doesn't change it. I've done a bunch of tests.

  • Browser storage is the only place web pages can store anything in all browsers. Only Chrome supports file system access, and that requires a permission prompt and manually choosing a location on disk. So saving to browser storage is the default place for saving settings, installed addons, etc. It should not be a problem as nobody should be needing to clear browser storage regularly. If you find yourself doing that, ask what problem you're trying to solve, and how else it could be solved - because as far as I know, nobody else needs to do that.

  • I don't see anything in Chrome called "Browser Storage" exactly. Which one of these are you referring to? Where are the plugins kept and where are the settings kept, in terms of the locations shown here? Thanks

  • It should not be a problem as nobody should be needing to clear browser storage regularly

    Is this supposed to be that famous English humour? 'cause here and over there in them internet parts people do that all the time for all kinds of reasons, legit ones too.

    I have to do it often because of problems and errors construct itself creates, especially when an update is installed and things go wrong

  • I genuinely don't understand why anyone would need to clear their browser storage regularly. If there's some problem you're trying to work around, that problem should be fixed, so you don't have to do that. Even with developing Construct itself, and all the bugs, crashes, issues, and obscure corner cases that I deal with as part of my job, I almost never have to clear browser storage. Construct's About dialog says I've got a total of 3 days 8 hours continuous usage of the editor since I last cleared browser storage.

  • To say people shouldn't clear their browser (which is common, for privacy, etc) to be able to use a piece of software properly is just not logical, and Construct already has frequent consent prompts in Chrome anyway, to be able to edit and save project files. I get them all the time, even during long stretches when I never clear the browser. I don't mind, consent prompts are normal. A consent requirement to store plugins and settings locally would be trivial.

    Nothing personal, I absolutely love Construct, and you Ashley are a hero to all of us creative types for making it. Seriously. I'm not much of a programmer, but I have 20 years of consulting on UI/UX, and this just is not a good design.

    If you could offer insight into where the plugins and settings are stored (which of the four areas shown in the above screegrab from Chrome's settings), I might be able to address my issue. Thanks

  • Construct's About dialog says I've got a total of 3 days 8 hours continuous usage of the editor since I last cleared browser storage.

    And when you cleared the storage last did you lose all your plugins and C3 settings? Because I do. One time of that happening is too many, it doesn't have to be frequent.

    You keep referring to "browser storage" but here is no setting in Chrome called browser storage. There are four separate categories that can be selectively cleared. Can you please clarify which of these four affects the settings and which affects the plugins? Thank you

  • F12.

    Maybe do some Googling on this stuff.

  • The specific storage category varies between the browsers, but you can easily test it by trying them one at a time.

    Without a clear explanation of why anyone would need to regularly clear browser storage, we definitely won't add any features to help with that. I have asked a couple of times now why anyone would need to do this, and nobody has explained, so there's no way for me to help any further here until someone does.

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