Check it is a valid C3P project

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With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • I just tried to open an old project, and was given the error:

    "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project."

    Searching the forums, I found someone posting the same error from 2 years ago. They fixed it by going back and opening it using an older version of C3, then renaming some of their variables, or something.

    I went back 1 stable version, and found it opened, but I have no idea how I'm meant to discover what's causing the error.

    I tried opening it in the old version, saving it, then opening it in the latest version, but that didn't help either. Will try the latest beta, and will follow up here.

    Any ideas Ashley

    Update - The latest beta also won't open it. I only had to go back 1 stable version to get it working. A little worrying, as it's a 3 year project that seems to be locked to 368.2.

    Update 2 - It seems to be broken from R369 onwards, which is slightly worrying.

  • Things to try:

    Try saving the earlier version that does work as a project folder instead of single file. Take out any 3rd party addons.

    just suggestions.



  • You can check the console (press f12) for a better error message. Imo this message should actually show in the error popup from construct because the error message otherwise is largely meaningless.

  • I'm hoping you took a backup of this project file before changing the C3 version numbers and such within the project.

    Its a useful way to fix things, but there can be potential issues, so just hoping you kept original file, took copy and started messing around with it!

  • I've had this error a few times lately. In order to get the files to work i drag and drop them into the editor and they load.

  • I have a feeling my time with Construct 3 is beginning to sunset. I can't be working on a project for years, then getting locked out of it with ZERO explanations.

  • I guess the only way this will get attention is by filing a bug report and uploading the file for them to debug.

    Maybe you can send them the file privately?

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  • Have you even tried to look up the error message in the console?

  • Have you even tried to look up the error message in the console?

    It's the first thing I even tried to do...

    Who knows, maybe this means something to someone:

    main.js:896 [Project] Exception opening: Error: name already in object class namespace

    at new d (projectResources.js:646:241)

    at pa.j (main.js:1128:44)

    at d.qE (projectResources.js:655:202)

    at d.NW (projectResources.js:714:182)

    at d.NW (projectResources.js:742:502)

    at d.pSc (projectResources.js:743:413)

    at async Promise.all (/index 55)

    at async d.q$b (projectResources.js:748:109)

    at async d.y$b (projectResources.js:1914:221)

    at async CCG.Hn (main.js:872:1)

    Gn @ main.js:896

    CCG.Hn @ main.js:872

  • I have to admit that doesn't say much, and the js files are obfuscated of course. Does it not say anything else before or after this?

    Also maybe try emptying browser cache if you haven't already, sometimes that causes weird issues.

    And also what you can try: Since you can open the project in an older version, try deleting larger chunks of the project (make a backup!) and see if any of that fixes the problem. You might be able to narrow down a certain resource or folder that is causing the issue.

  • The issue from a few years ago may have been me - I added instance variables called TileWidth and TileHeight to my tilemaps, and when those were added as official attributes it caused a clash and I could no longer open my projects. It took hour of investigation to figure it out, and because I use templates as a starting point then this was an issue on every single project I had made. I still come across old projects with this issue, and it takes ages to open cp3 files in 7zip and rename the variables everywhere!

    Strangely enough this has started randomly happening to me again every few stable updates, in the last few instances luckily the issue just went away with a restart. But I completely understand the frustration, I am still super stressed on every update.

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