I can't preview my app in construct 3

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I can't preview my app in construct 3. I even try to export it to html but id doesn' work!

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  • Does it do it in the latest version R19 as well?

    Have you got any popup blockers installed?

    Have you got the latest version of Chrome installed?

  • Neither can I. I'm using the latest version of chrome and disabled adblock, even so, everytime I try to preview the browser tab where construct is, it freezes, sometimes the whole browser stops...


    Found the error it was a misplaced "while".

  • I have a similar problem, I want to test the version of Construct, but I can not see anything when I click preview, the window opens, but the game does not start, is black screen.

  • I have a similar problem, I want to test the version of Construct, but I can not see anything when I click preview, the window opens, but the game does not start, is black screen.

    If the debug window opens, but its just displaying a blank void of nothingness, then it probably has something to do with your code and not our trusty crusty Construct engine.

    If you'd like, you can post some of the initial script and we can see whats going on.

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