BINARY DATA (Uint8 or into) Index Limit?

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  • Is there any index Limits that you can create for BINARY DATA (Uint8 or int8)?

    it seems that it can't go over around 250 but it lets me create a size example 300.

    Any values that I tried to store on any index after 250 they got messed up is like they start storing values from 0, 1, 2 etc.... different than the values I enter


  • There is no intended limit on the index - if there is one it will probably be around 1 GB (so an index of about 1 billion). You've probably made a mistake in your events or gotten confused with something else. Perhaps you are reaching the limit of a byte, which is 255. You can work around that simply by writing a larger value, like an int32.

  • Thanks Ashley

    I never used the binary Data it looks quite different than normal plugins that we use in construct like Arrays, dictionary, etc.... I was experimenting trying to learn how it works so definitely I'm must be doing something wrong or I understood how it works wrong.

    The test I was trying to do:

    -Set size of 400

    -Then Loop 400 times and:

    Set at Index = LoopIndex >>>> Value = LoopIndex

    After when I retrieve the values it should match (Index & Value) but after the 250 it gets messed up


    Perhaps you are reaching the limit of a byte, which is 255. You can work around that simply by writing a larger value, like an int32.

    I tried it but it doesn't write anything if I use int32, when I loop to extract the values they all show = 0 definitely I'm doing something wrong

    I read the manual many times but I still can get how it works or when I reach

    the limit of a byte, which is 255

    Are there any examples that we can use? I didn't find any on the construct 3 demos


  • The plugin requires some low level knowledge of how binary data works, just because of how it works. So in general it is quite a bit more advanced than the average plugin.

    Uint8 has a maximum value of 255. So when you store the values 1 to 400, once the value surpasses 255 it will wrap back around ( value = value % 256 ). So what you have actually stored is:

    Index Value
    255 255
    256 0
    257 1

    I imagine the reason why you cannot get uint32 to work as you expect is that it requires 4 bytes per value. The setter accepts a "byte offset", so you need to multiply your index by 4. Otherwise you are partially overwriting the previous values with each set action like so:

    Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5
    Set Uint32 "1" at offset "0" modified 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 1 0 0
    Set Uint32 "2" at offset "1" 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 2 0
    Set Uint32 "3" at offset "2" 0 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 3
  • tarek2 - I'd suggest looking for a tutorial or course on how binary data/storage work. It's a general computing topic and will help you understand how Construct's Binary Data object works, because that just gives you access to a chunk of raw memory.

  • I made some tweaks to your example project which might help you understand better. But Ashley is right that you might benefit looking for explainers on how bytes and binary values are stored in memory.

  • Thanks, Ashley for the help I will do that when I get the Time )

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  • Nepeo

    That was Awesome!! Thanks a lot :)

    The visual explanation plus the capx was really really helpful, is just what I needed to understand the basics, I have a better idea now of how it's working.

    I will look for some tutorials when I have the time to understand more in-depth the whole binary data.

    Thanks again I really appreciated the Help

  • Nepeo do you still have that example file? The dropbox link isn't working.

  • Hey Badmiracle, yeah sorry all my old dropbox links will be dead. But I still have the files. Try this

  • Nepeo thanks for the example!

    I'm not sure how to comprehend this in terms of non-fixed data sizes.

    I'm hoping you can help offer some guidance if you have time - I posted a thread that explains what I'm attempting to do using the Binary Data plugin:

    I'm basically trying to use the Multiplayer plugin and Multiplayer message action to send the following data to the host:

    PeerID: 4-5 alpha/numeric characters

    X Position: 1-5 digit integer

    Y Position: 1-5 digit integer

    Direction: 0, 1, 2 or 3

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