Is there a better "Prefab" system, than placing objects into the layout and destroying on runtime?

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  • With Prefab System I mean something similar to Unity and other major engines. So that I can e.g. combine multiple particles, sprites etc., give them default properties, then create a Prefab called e.g. "Rocket" and instantiate it whenever I like.

    I haven't used C3 seriously in two years, so I'm curious if there might be something for that now. I also remember that in C3 there is no more need to place the object into the layout, but I can't find the source of that statement anymore...!?

    Template/Replica seems to fit the closest, but they have to be in the layout and it can't have multiple object types, like said Rocket? Am I wrong? Any good approaches to this?

    Thank you kindly for any reply in advance!


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  • Construct has hierarchies (scene graph) and a system called templates. These two combined can do what you are looking for

  • They don't have to be in the layout, you usually create a object repository layout where you set them up

  • Ah absolutely beautiful, just what I'm looking for, thank you again fedca! Reminds me a lot to doing it in Godot. C3 has come so far.


    1. Create Layout for Prefab (or use only one for all Prefabs)

    2. Insert Sprite into that Layout, give it a template name and attach hierarchy Sprites, Particles etc.

    3. Adjust properties, rotation etc.

    4. Create Object with used Template name wherever you want

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