Best way to create and manage multiple levels in C3?

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  • Hey everyone,

    I've recently migrated over to C3 from another engine. Like it so far and i got a new game that I'm making a vertical slice for. Im at the stage where i need to do levels and i was wondering what the best, scalable way is?

    Is it to make seperate layouts for each level or load them externally somehow?

    If it's a separate layout, how would one handle things like adding a new event sheet? One would need to copypaste that into each layout?

    If external is the way to go, whats the addons required for that?


  • You can use a layout per level. For the event sheet you can create a unique one per layout if you expect it to be very different, and then 'include' a main event sheet that has all the common events like player movement and animations etc.

  • Definitely use layouts. You can use single event sheet for any number of layouts. If one level needs a bit of unique logics - you can create new event sheet for this level and then "Include event sheet" to include the basic/universal logics.

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  • Yes that makes sense. I will try this method thank you.

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