Any Applovin implementation tutorials?

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From the Asset Store
Support AdType ( AppOpenAd, Banner Ad, Interstitial Ad Rewarded Ad, MREC Ad) support c3 build service
  • I know there is a plugin in the asset store but there is no way I am paying the extortionate price tag for it over £200. It is hard enough as it is for an independent to make it on the gaming scene financially.

    Google adsense have without real reason shut down my ads account and I need an alternative. A lot of people have pointed me in the direction of applovin but there is no free plugin for construct 3.

    Is it possible to code in applovin ads without a plugin? in particular the video reward ads? I am looking to give users rewards in game currency after viewing video ads. It was easy to do with the admob plugin but now I am unable use admob. Does anyone have an example C3P of applovin without the use of a plugin?

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  • I think you can only show Applovin ads in C3 via mediation. If you can't use Admob, the other two options are IronSource and Tapdaq.

    IronSource addons are part of the Construct Collection, I think you can get it cheaper on, or chat with the developer at , he might offer you a discount.

    Tapdaq addons are only about $10, but I haven't used them and can't tell you anything about them.


    EDIT: Looks like there is also a Cordova plugin available. It may be possible to implement it without the C3 addon, but this will be a difficult task - you'll have to call JS methods and build with Cordova CLI.

  • Thanks for your response guys. I tried downloading the pro version of that tapdaq addon and it is a total mess. There is no real code in it, the example the video is silent and there is no one to break it down. It does not tell you how to setup the ads individually like if you were part of ironsource etc how to implement their video reward ads. It installs a list of services but there is just no break down in the tutorial of it.

    That is a very poor plugin and I guess I will just have to export games without ads and find other alternative methods.

    Admob just ignored my request.

  • Another bad thing is tapdaq is now closed for new registrations as the company has been bought out.

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