Feature request: translation in spanish

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From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Hello friends!

    I'm a Construct2 amateur from Uruguay and i would love to help my friends learn how to use Construct2 , but they don't know a lot of english, so...

    i find that the english that construct2 uses is pretty basic and easy to translate...if we had some people who knew spanish we could really help much more people and expand Construct2.

    I would love to volunteer as a translator if required.

  • It's not a very good idea to have the software and community split among multiple languages. I understand that some people may not speak english already, but most programming resources and even programming languages themselves are based on the english language. I'd rather recommend native spanish speakers to learn the basics of english using duolingo (it's entirely free!). They'll need it anyway if they want to interact with others here on the forums or read the oh-so-important manual.

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  • I understand your point, but since english and spanish are two of the most common languages in the world, i guess it would be nicer and easier for some people... anyway it's just a suggestion

  • Sure, leomachado666, I understand. There have been similar suggestions in the past though, so I don't know if either Ashley or Tom are aware of that, or if it is not feasible/they don't want to do it? Anyway, I guess someone could decide to translate the manual independently. There is little need to translate the software (there are but a few words, and the methods/expressions are fixed).

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