Zombie Dodger

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From the Asset Store
Perfect for your zombie game! Animated from motion capture data Left, Right, Top Down!
  • Hi Guys ,

    So I just produced my first game in my zombie dodger demo. Just wanted some thoughts on it and improvements I could make. Im not the greatest graphics artist so tips on how I could make my graphics better would be great too!

    Also any ideas on how to make the game more fun , the real fun behind it is the competitiveness of the high score board , let me know if you think the game is too hard/easy.

    With the amount of plays it has had so far, it makes me really think about going for the full personal license of construct . So what else could I do have the power of the full license?

    Thanks Guys !

  • Looks cool. Maybe you could add a way for players to change the default control keys.

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  • Nice & tense, Powerups would be awesome

  • This is really addictive. If you pumped up the graphics I think you really got something. There should be points for the zombies being run over by the car as you can lead them there. 57 seconds was my best time. I'm sure it's a copyright violation but the terminator music really helps. Not sure if this has been done in some form, but this is really fun. Great game to play while commuting. Just needs better graphics.

  • 67 seconds was my best time on this, but this doesn't really work without the music. You turn off the Terminator music and the game is uninteresting. With the music, very addictive.

  • 67 seconds was my best time on this, but this doesn't really work without the music. You turn off the Terminator music and the game is uninteresting. With the music, very addictive.

    HAHA its not actually the terminator music , i made the music myself using sampling software , but yes it does sound like it lol!

    Yeah i would love to pump up the graphics , its just a shame my pixel art skills are pretty low

  • Listen, you quite obviously got the Terminator motif there, even if you put it to your own instruments. I believe you can get sued even for that as a copyright violation. Of course, you're not likely to be sued until you start making significant amounts of money off this and you come to the attention of the copyright holder. Don't worry it wouldn't be from me. I totally don't care. Just letting you know.

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