stupid chickens 2 completed!

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  • 9 posts
  • I have finally uploaded stupid chickens 2 and released it! This game has taken all my time and effort to make it. Please at least consider to play it and give me a feedback. At the end of day, it really makes me proud.

    It will be nice if you gave it stars in my website!

  • Awesome! 5 stars from me!

    Maybe you want to make Stupid Chickens 3 on the next year?

  • The game needs a lot of polish and some work on presentation. For instance, the first screen is full of text and what the player has to do is very unintuitive. Go into the game to get told to go back into the main menu to buy laser shots? Why not grant the player with some free shots so he can get used to the main game mechanic first?

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  • The game needs a lot of polish and some work on presentation. For instance, the first screen is full of text and what the player has to do is very unintuitive. Go into the game to get told to go back into the main menu to buy laser shots? Why not grant the player with some free shots so he can get used to the main game mechanic first?

    Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to fix the bugs as soon as possible!

  • :D Awesome! 5 stars from me!

    Maybe you want to make Stupid Chickens 3 on the next year?

    I'm very glad that you liked it!

  • I did not had a lot of time to try it, but I liked what I saw, apart from the buying bullet system I think if we could buy some ammo inside a level, that would really help.

    Also I did not tried, but what if you spent all your money and ammo without completing the first level? Are you stuck then?

  • I did not had a lot of time to try it, but I liked what I saw, apart from the buying bullet system I think if we could buy some ammo inside a level, that would really help.

    Also I did not tried, but what if you spent all your money and ammo without completing the first level? Are you stuck then?

    thanks for the feedback, I added free bullets & TNT & Few coins to start with, Don't forget that there is a free bullets every 2 minutes of playing, so the player can never be stuck!

  • Nice and original stupid chickens 2! game

  • Nice and original stupid chickens 2! game

    Thanks ! Glad that you liked it! I'll make anything if my players are happy

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