SCALD [One Hour Game Jam]

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Match the rows with tofus to clear the rows before you pass the cook.
  • I did a one hour game jam this weekend...


    In Scald, you must collect as many gems as you can. Avoid the fireballs and don't fall into the lava

    You can play it here:

    The jam theme was "the floor is lava". I know, my entry isn't particularly original. I clocked in around 3 hours - difficulty balancing took longer than expected and I wanted to get some audio in. Also, the game is much easier with headphones

    Would super appreciate some retweets too:

  • Wow. I am really impressed Sean. It's actually a really fun game.

    FYI - good stereo speakers help too

  • That is legitimately one of the most awesome things I've seen made in C2. It's super simple, but it's so fluid and looks amazing. It might be tiny, but damn is it solid.

    And really, really hard too. Which is good.

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  • I managed to get 11 coins before losing. Its fun to play.

  • It's actually really fun for a simple game! I really liked the animations, gameplay, and it never stops to be amazing until now.

    The controls are fluid and it responds to the commands every time, which is GREAT thing because you need to react fast in some of the situations and think whether if you risk getting the gem or wait for the fireball to leave before getting the gem.

    The difficulty is hard, but fair and every time you lose it seems like it's even more because of you than the game. I even managed to get 15 gems before losing!

    Overall, It's a really fun and awesome game and it never stops being fun. I'm impressed with your game, Sean.

    Congrats for this excellent game that you ever made.

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