RPS Defense Ipad/Iphone

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From the Asset Store
A Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) combat system "In-Game Module" (IGM) for Action/Adventure, RPGs, and Rogue-like Games.
  • Rock Paper Scissors: Defense


    "RPS defense is an incarnation of an ancient classic "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with an awesome twist. Its fast-paced gameplay intertwined with occasional timed puzzles will keep players engaged and asking for more."

    RPS Defense is first mobile game I have worked on, and I decided to start with simple arcade game to gain experience and work through all IOS/Android related issues, construct has been awesome to work with and its first Game Engine I have worked with where it was truly easy and fun to develop a game.

    Game was made by 3 people(Code (me),Art, Sound) and + 1 person helped with animations. We made game in approximately 3 weeks, most of the time went figuring out IOS part of things and optimization.

    Game is now sent to Apple for review, and hopefully in few days we'll launch. I will post what we learn on mobile stuff if anyone's interested.



  • RPS Defense is released today, Yay!

    Construct 2 + CocoonJS and three pretty intense weeks of development (ios side mostly). This is my first game to make it to commercial market :D

    Teaser Trailer

    You can find it on Itunes:

    RPS Defense On Itunes

    Comment or become watcher on slideDB to win free copy :D

    RPS Defense on SlideDB



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  • This looks great and I'd say 3 weeks is a super fast development time for such a feature packed game...

  • Thanks man!

    All game logic has been very easy and smooth to make in Construct, Most of the time went on IOS side and optimization, being first game on mobiles there was lot of stuff we didn't know.

    It was cool Game Center integration update came out just in time to save trouble with figuring out that feature on CocoonJS and Javascript side,(They have almost no Documentation on ludei website), now only major feature remaining is FB plugin to work on mobiles.

  • We made game free in case you guys want to check it out.


  • RPS Defense HD iPad and iPad mini Games. ... fun of your friends. For smooth gameplay, Iphone 4 and stronger devices are recommended.

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