ReVeN: XBridge Now on Steam early access

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From the Asset Store
Vintage steam pixels for your UI! 125 unique assets in a single pack!

    ReVeN: XBridge is a social gaming experience wrapped around a 2D shooter. Made in Construct 2.

    Play and rate user created levels from players all around the world!

    Procedural generated backgrounds prevent the game backgrounds from ever growing stale!

    Build your Own Bosses! Start with choosing your nexus, then add parts, guns and modules! Coming soon, Control the AI using Navigators.

    The social hub of the game. Set up games, Chat with friends, or alter your ships weapons\armor loadout in the inventory screen

    Enemies can come from all sides, up down left right or even from below! While difficulty is completely variable,

    Players cannot upload levels they did not beat themselves.

    An animated Main Menu. This game is in 1080p baby!

    About This Game

    Build your own levels and bosses, defeat other player's levels and surpass their score on their own creations!

    XBridge is a fast-paced 2D shooter with new genre defining social multiplayer game play. Build your own levels using our intuitive level designer. It will also feature single player modes and online multiplayer as well as coop modes.

    This game will receive weekly or Bi-Weekly updates until the release of the game ReVeN.


    Story Mode- XBridge features an episodic story driven campaign that will unlock over time as the development of ReVeN progresses with the final episode releasing just before ReVeN. XBridge will introduce players to the characters and setting of the ReVeN Universe. This game mode plays out like an RPG as players must upgrade their ship's capabilities using materials they find while playing the game.

    Arcade mode- Players compete against endless waves of enemies and Titans while fighting for the top spot on the global leader boards.


    Ranked mode- An online multiplayer mode that centers around two factions that are at war for control over the space portal: the XBridge. In Conquest mode players construct their own levels to be difficult while still being possible. Levels can only be uploaded if they are beaten by their creator.

    Warp onto the front lines and defeat other player's levels to gain experience and money to unlock units to bolster your own armada's capabilities! Beyond just the creation and playing aspect of Conquest mode, it also functions as a mini-social network where players create their own pilot avatars and personalities. You can add friends or rivals to your friends list and chat with them anytime in game! Share Ideas and collaborate with each other working as a team to build up your factions armadas and win the war!

    Custom mode- Build anything you want with few limitations and even challenge your friends to your creations! The best custom armadas are voted on by the community; the more creative and fun a custom armada is, the better.

    Dead Orbit- 1-16 players can play simultaneously in a vast open world where players can fly in any direction. Explore and mine through huge asteroids and wrecked ships. With your newly acquired resources construct armor, weapons, upgrades and even new ships to be used in any game mode! Many dangers and secrets await in the Drone Graveyard: Dead Orbit

    Ranked Coop- prepare for an intense battle as you and your wing man wage war against the opposing faction's armadas.

    (Available in Local and Online play)

    Two-Player Competitive mode- Compete head to head to gain the highest score and acquire trophies to win a series of matches. (Available in Local and Online play)

    Coop Campaign- Allows for a second player to join SyRek in his mission to stop the tyrannical pirate Taber from reaching XR-Keres.

    Coop Arcade Mode- Two players must survive against an endless onslaught of waves and bosses. Can you and a friend reach the top of the global leader boards?

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  • Looks great!

    Could you share some technical details?

    1. What version of nw.js are you using?

    2. How are you finding the frame rate / stuttering / memory management (layout flushing)?

    3. How large is the game; number of art assets / total mbs?

    4. What is your memory usage looking like at it's peak?

    5. Were you able to get full Steam support working (achievements / cards)?

    6. What has been the biggest technical hurdle in bringing the game to Steam? How did you overcome it?

    7. What advice do you have / Something you wish you knew / about putting a C2 game on Steam?

    Thank you.

  • Looks awesome! Best of luck to you guys!

  • *moved to a more appropriate section

  • Looks great!

    Could you share some technical details?

    1. What version of nw.js are you using?

    2. How are you finding the frame rate / stuttering / memory management (layout flushing)?

    3. How large is the game; number of art assets / total mbs?

    4. What is your memory usage looking like at it's peak?

    5. Were you able to get full Steam support working (achievements / cards)?

    6. What has been the biggest technical hurdle in bringing the game to Steam? How did you overcome it?

    7. What advice do you have / Something you wish you knew / about putting a C2 game on Steam?

    Thank you.

    1.We're using Nodewebkit v0.12.0 (Chromium 41)

    2.We actually do run into stuttering sometimes. When a titan is destroyed for instance, there's a good half second pause. Sometimes when a level loads, there is a good pause. Also going from the Xbuilder to testing there is a 5 second load time which doesn't happen in Firefox (it's nearly instant)

    3.The game is 331mb, 900mb in memory. Not sure on how many assets, but quite a few. 17,500+ events. C2 really starts to run into bizarre issues when a game gets this big. I mean the program itself. Like how we can only preview the game in firefox and everything else, chrome, nodewebkit etc preview modes get a red bar EVERY time. I'm not even sure how to file a proper bug report just because of how obscure the issues are that we're having. like, you have to have a game this big to experience the issues, so I can't really narrow it down to just a few events or whatever it is Ashley requires.

    4.I want to say.... around 1,200mb?

    5.Unfortunately no. I believe this would require me writing java script plugins and I just havn't had the time to learn Java to that level.

    6.The biggest technical hurdle was the multiplayer plugin. It's designed more for peer to peer gaming than it is for central server architecture. I wrote a seperate c2 game which simply runs on our server in Chicago which saves players information using nodewebkit into various individual files. Almost every message sent using the multiplayer object uses an array which contains a name of who sent it and what kind of message it was. This might be considered an "inefficient" way of handling a server like this compared to say, php, java, and whatever else may exist, however the whole server (except for the linux os obviously) is just running in c2 code. to me that's an achievement in itself.

    After reading question 6 again, not sure I really answered it in terms of getting it on steam, that was just a technical hurdle in general. I would continue to say that learning steamworks was a hurdle in itself. They leave out certain details in the tutorials that they probably just assume you would know, which from a gameplay standpoint is not very good gameplay but the community was awesome and helped me out right away. But honestly I had no real issues with getting a c2 game to work WITH steam. The only thing I need to figure out is the steam overlay, achievements etc.

    7.I mean, I would say that the real hurdles are in making the game itself. Especially a game with multiplayer. It would also seem like some events effect people randomly based on their configuration to which my response is, update your windows drivers\video drivers\run dxwebglsetup.exe!

    Additionally I would say getting a game Greenlit can also be challenging. We had a bit of a headstart with XBridge due to the successful Kickstarter we ran for ReVeN. But it still took considerably longer to get it greenlit. I guess people just really like sidescroller metroidvanias! Can't blame them, I want more than anything to work on ReVeN at this point. We just needed money. That's why we made this game which is technically much smaller in scope compared to ReVeN. After developing it for 2 brutal years, XBridge was the result of our passion for gaming and game creation.

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