Quest for Sara [Newgrounds]

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From the Asset Store
It's a very interesting and hard quest. It so hard that there is not way to win!
  • Hi guys,

    this is the 4th game i made with construct2. You play a grandfather that flys on a guitar and has to save his granddaughter. I know it can be pretty hard but i hope you have fun. I would also like to read your feedback.

    Best regards,


  • Nice work!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Nice work!

    Thanks for the kind words.

  • I like this game! toaster

  • I like the game, and good humor .

  • I like the game, and good humor .

    Thats nice to hear, were you able to finish the game?

  • > I like the game, and good humor .


    Thats nice to hear, were you able to finish the game?

    Nope. 2nd level .

  • I know it can be pretty


    but i hope you have fun.

    I had a blast playing this game for the fact that it was Hard/Challenging and well put together!

    In my opinion we need more challenging games, whether that be indie or AAA titles. Developers throughout the year have no doubt made games that hold the players hands constantly throughout the entire game, to Appeal to Core & Casual gamers. While sadly the reward of exploring and figuring out how to beat or find a certain Boss, Level, Secrets is slowly fading in most games. Im not saying 100% but 99.9 lol Sorry for rant

    But really like the game! the art style is simple and fun, I will be playing again until i beat it lol.

    And congrats on your 4th game released with C2 can you link to the other 3?

  • > I know it can be pretty


    but i hope you have fun.


    I had a blast playing this game for the fact that it was Hard/Challenging and well put together!

    In my opinion we need more challenging games, whether that be indie or AAA titles. Developers throughout the year have no doubt made games that hold the players hands constantly throughout the entire game, to Appeal to Core & Casual gamers. While sadly the reward of exploring and figuring out how to beat or find a certain Boss, Level, Secrets is slowly fading in most games. Im not saying 100% but 99.9 lol Sorry for rant <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek">

    But really like the game! the art style is simple and fun, I will be playing again until i beat it lol.

    And congrats on your 4th game released with C2 can you link to the other 3? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I am glad you liked it. Keep playing until you beat it.

    My first game was "Walk the earth"

    My second game: "Klara must live"

    My third game: "No world for rainbows"

    I hope you enjoy them, too.

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