Paper Golf (scored game)

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**************** Golf kart game sprite *****************
  • Paper Golf.(nine hole challenge)SCORED GAME

    <img src="" border="0">


    To play a shot......

    1, Left ckick on golf ball (hold down mouse)

    2, Drag the line to the left and downwards to set the power and angle

    3, Release mouse to launch the ball

    Line color indicates POWER.....Green=Weak    Blue=Medium     Red=Strong

    No 3 shot restriction.

    Plays well in Chrome browser

    Please repeport any bugs.


    9 hole scored game....without 3 shots per hole restriction.


    EDIT 19/12/2011 LATEST VERSION (3)


  • I just played and I tried it on chrome.

    Right on the first level, if I push the ?force? to left side of the screen the ?red line? goes off as well and I don?t see it anymore leaving me without knowing where it is.

    When the ball goes off screen, the next ball doesn?t appear right away, I can hear the sound of the ?action? outside the screen but it doesn?t do anything.

    I think the difference between green, blue and red is too tiny; the angle of the mouse movement could be a bit bigger.

    On the second level, the ball got stuck in the water but I still could move her, is it on purpose?

    When I lost on the third level, once I returned to the level menu only the first level was available. The second one, which I won, was still blocked.

    Hugs :)

  • Incredible O.o

  • I just played and I tried it on chrome.

    Right on the first level, if I push the ?force? to left side of the screen the ?red line? goes off as well and I don?t see it anymore leaving me without knowing where it is.

         If the line goes 'offscreen' your shot will be too powerfull.

    When the ball goes off screen, the next ball doesn?t appear right away, I can hear the sound of the ?action? outside the screen but it doesn?t do anything.

         The ball reapears after 12 seconds unless you go out of needs tweaking

    I think the difference between green, blue and red is too tiny; the angle of the mouse movement could be a bit bigger.

         I will look into this

    On the second level, the ball got stuck in the water but I still could move her, is it on purpose?

         No...i will change are only meant to get 3 SINGLE shots per hole,

    When I lost on the third level, once I returned to the level menu only the first level was available. The second one, which I won, was still blocked.

         If you dont make a hole in the 3 shots....the game resets.

    Thanks for your feed back.

  • FF 8.0 win XP

    I managed to go to level2 as intended.

    When the ball is in the hole the sound "loops" several time (on each rebound of the ball in fact).

    During level 2 I blocked my ball in the "pit" right before the goal hole and was able to shoot again the ball (don't know if it is a feature or a bug). And from this moment, it appeared the ball wasn't going out of the layout. I was able to obtain "free shots" (the amount of shots was up to 8, maybe even more) and finaly I managed to "stuck" the ball in the top out of reach, but still "shootable", the sound kept playing.

    Clicking on "back", I only had access to level1 (level2 didn't appear to be unlocked).

    Now gameplay wise the drawn line when I'm "pulling the ball" (setting the force of the shot with the LMB down) appears to be a bit too small to my taste. Also, once it got red, I can't seem to make it blue again even if setting the mouse next to the ball itself. I figured the red color was to warn the player that the shoot will be too strong, but the fact not to come back to blue when the strength is "ok" is missing. Bug or not implemented ?

    Also I guess the ball has a physic behavior and that you apply an impulse on the ball dependent to the length of the line. I wish the ratio length/impulse would be lower, to prevent having the ball just flying out of bounds, allowing for more "room for error".

    If you put full strength, pointing around 45� to the ground, your ball will make a nice curve and land to the right edge of the layout.

    To sum up tweak the values to have "more range".


    I reloaded it, managed to go up to the level3 but I'm still experiencing the possibility of multi-shoot, apparently this is a feature.

    I managed to make level 1 and 2 in 1 shoot <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Arrived to level 3, I wasted 12 shots, noticed that I can set the strength even when the ball is moving (line and direction/angle position stick to the position where the MLB was pressed even if the ball's position has changed) and at some point was taken back to the main page.

    And neither level2 or 3 is unlocked.


    I reloaded again after having stuck my ball again ^^

    I went up to level 6 and figured that I could shoot the ball while it moved but when it finally fully stops, it "respawns" at player start (hence my confusion).

    Nice potential, the more you play/get it the funnier it gets.

    I like the "paper design" even if I like better bigger windows (800X600; 1024X768, etc...) ^^

    Keep up the good work.

  • You're welcome :)

  • Being a big golf fan I just HAD to try this,'s good. I like the idea and the implementation. Just needs a few tweaks, already covered by previous posters, I'd say.

    Nice to see you haven't left for good now that you're employed, chrisbrobs :)

  • Cool game! I made it to hole 5   <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Incredible O.o

    Thanks for feed back


    I managed to go to level2 as intended.

    When the ball is in the hole the sound "loops" several time (on each rebound of the ball in fact).


    During level 2 I blocked my ball in the "pit" right before the goal hole and was able to shoot again the ball (don't know if it is a feature or a bug). And from this moment, it appeared the ball wasn't going out of the layout. I was able to obtain "free shots" (the amount of shots was up to 8, maybe even more) and finaly I managed to "stuck" the ball in the top out of reach, but still "shootable", the sound kept playing.


    Clicking on "back", I only had access to level1 (level2 didn't appear to be unlocked).

    Intentional...Failure on a hole resets the game

    Now gameplay wise the drawn line when I'm "pulling the ball" (setting the force of the shot with the LMB down) appears to be a bit too small to my taste. Also, once it got red, I can't seem to make it blue again even if setting the mouse next to the ball itself. I figured the red color was to warn the player that the shoot will be too strong, but the fact not to come back to blue when the strength is "ok" is missing. Bug or not implemented ?

    Made it slightly bigger

    Also I guess the ball has a physic behavior and that you apply an impulse on the ball dependent to the length of the line. I wish the ratio length/impulse would be lower, to prevent having the ball just flying out of bounds, allowing for more "room for error".

    If you put full strength, pointing around 45? to the ground, your ball will make a nice curve and land to the right edge of the layout.

    To sum up tweak the values to have "more range".

    Will have a look at this


    I reloaded it, managed to go up to the level3 but I'm still experiencing the possibility of multi-shoot, apparently this is a feature.

    I managed to make level 1 and 2 in 1 shoot

    Arrived to level 3, I wasted 12 shots, noticed that I can set the strength even when the ball is moving (line and direction/angle position stick to the position where the MLB was pressed even if the ball's position has changed) and at some point was taken back to the main page.

    And neither level2 or 3 is unlocked.

    Intentional...Failure on a hole resets the game

    I reloaded again after having stuck my ball again ^^

    I went up to level 6 and figured that I could shoot the ball while it moved but when it finally fully stops, it "respawns" at player start (hence my confusion).

    Will look at this

    Nice potential, the more you play/get it the funnier it gets.

    I like the "paper design" even if I like better bigger windows (800X600; 1024X768, etc...) ^^

    Keep up the good work.

    Thanks for your imput


    Being a big golf fan I just HAD to try this,'s good. I like the idea and the implementation. Just needs a few tweaks, already covered by previous posters, I'd say.

    Nice to see you haven't left for good now that you're employed, chrisbrobs :)

    Thanks Zeno98 for feed back


    Cool game! I made it to hole 5

    Keep trying!

    Updated: 21.13pm 11/11/2011 Added some extra sounds and changed a couple of settings.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • after more tries than i care to accurately remark...when i finally sank one in the cup, a grin of childish satisfaction filled my face. i remembered playing paper golf in school with my best friend.

    well done 'found the fun'.

  • I liked the game, and for one reason find this may be the best (and worst) golf game I have ever played. Including the big boy golf.

    In professional golf packages they all seem to follow the same formula where you click to stat the swing, click for power, and click for accuracy. This is very ungolf-like as it does not feel like real golf where you have more of an organic of felling to your shot. Not the mechanical approach of of the professional packages.

    Your game excels in that it bring back the organic feeling where you assess the distance to a dynamic pull and release.   The main problem with your approach is that the draw power and aim is so small that you need meticulous positioning to get the shot. I would like to see a longer draw with maybe 5 colors to you make the shot. Perhaps even with the draw and aim in a side window?

    All in all I liked your game finding a real gold like experience and would like to see it developed to possibly.


    * Changing the format to multiple hits like real golf

    * Kill the 3 stroke limit and score the final game.

    * add a separate window or larger drag and pull

    Other thoughts:

    I would like to see a golf game where the direction and speed of the mouse determined the direction and power of the club hitting the ball.

  • harrio

    Thanks for comments


    Some good points, will try to include some in next one!

    In the meantime,...

    I have created another version without the locked levels, and a bigger window that you can try.

    See the first post for the link <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Nice update, it is more comfortable playing now.

  • Nice update, it is more comfortable playing now.

    Thanks....and glad you liked it.

    You can now play holes 10 to 18....see first post for the link.

  • looks great i like 'power charge system' with mouse:)

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