— That's an ipad 2. I have one, game doesn't work at all. Your OS must be up to date, mine hasn't been updated at all. It's only used for netflix and kids games. I'll have to read up on the last iOS update and see if they added webGL support to safari/iOS. Thanks for getting me the specs and thanks again!!
Blacksmith I'm excited to get back to my game now too. The sled section is going to be cool now! I want to try to figure out how to do jumps, might just make an angled sprite to fake it.
Also realized split screen isn't needed for 2plr on this part of the game. Better to compete for the coins on the screen instead of both having a set. I could just zoom out if they get far apart.
I Can't wait to get started on the art for the bosses here either. End of the game boss will rick this way!!!