Hello! This is my first post. I want to show you my line of sight engine!
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/443 ... pload.capx
Thanks to GenkiGenka for uploading the file <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
I take idea from this: http://www.scirra.com/forum/c2enemy-lin ... 2013-05-11 21:12:18
Hi and welcome.
Unfortunately, you've posted this in the wrong section. This is for Construct Classic, whilst your example is for Construct 2.
Other than that, it looks quite good :)
Oh sorry i clicked wrong section ;(. And thanks :)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
No problem :) Just PM one of the MODs and ask for this to be moved.
Who's online mod?
Try Arima or Kyatric. Kyatric is on quite a lot.
Can you send priv? I don't have reputation ;/
It's ok, the topic has been moved.
Sorry, This was already done: http://www.scirra.com/forum/c2enemy-line-of-sight_topic45095.html
dcrew this is your idea :). But this is a better engine :). Sorry i don't put your link in to post.
It's always good to have several implementations of a mechanic, it helps the user getting through what they want, maybe understanding better one example than the other, picking parts that fits their needs from both.
Anyway, both added to the how do I FAQ, thank you Rexu and —
It's always good to have several implementations of a mechanic, it helps the user getting through what they want, maybe understanding better one example than the other, picking parts that fits their needs from both. Anyway, both added to the how do I FAQ, thank you Rexu and —
True, good-job Rex :]
Thanks dcrew and Kyatric :).
Hi Rexu great work but i have question:)
Can you add the distance at which the player sees the opponent and then starts to follow him?
Awesome! Thanks for sharing this.