What is "The Elis Blitz"?
Elis Blitz is a futuristic thriller set roughly 500 years in the future on the planet Elis. The story is told in the form of an interactive visual novel and will be released in episodic updates - all of which will be free <:
Where can I play it?
You can play/download it either from Newgrounds - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/639331
or from chrome webstore - http://tinyurl.com/ox4s5s9
If you've read it pleas take some time to answer my survey (it's for feedback in general and data collection for my thesis)- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1i0uigY ... E/viewform
I styled this on visual novel type games but it's not an actual visual novel since it doesn't have any elements of choice - just an experimentation on how to tell stories.
So far I've just finished chapter 1 - the subsequent chapters will follow in time (im just taking a pause right now to finish other school work and create a buffer)
Feel free to ask any questions or leave feedback <: I look forward to what people have to say!
for progress follow us on tumblr - http://blitzdome.tumblr.com/ or fb - https://www.facebook.com/elisblitz