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It was hoped that after the success of'''' LitleHabbo over 500 hits on the game after just a few days of its launch, Interactive Contact decide announce his next project, which also is based on the same line ''LittleHabbo'' Social Simulator.
If any of us have played a'' Animal Crossing'' (We can see that the very name of the next title and this are similar) and have been engaged,'' Crossing World is not going to be less.
In this title we choose the *** of your character, you will get a name and we go into a village which we also baptize in the name you want.
On reaching the village we find a single neighbor, who will explain how to play.
As time passes, new neighbors will be coming to our town.
We build our own house, both exterior and interior, for this we need building materials, such as wood, bricks ... These materials are wood or chopping get chopping down on the rock.
Building our house will be joining as simple as brick blocks, wooden blocks, the roof ... Simply drag them around the screen and join them.
The town itself can be modified at will, besides that we interact with performing tasks such as fishing, hunting treasures ...
The game will feature online communication options that are still unknown at the moment, although the developers say party take out a lot more options integrated into Habbo'' Little'' was a simple chat.
The title will be available for Wii U and other platforms.
Information extracted from the official blog InteractiveContacta: icontacta.blogspot.com