Cookie Man

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Create a boss fight with this easy to follow game pack. Recreate the classic attacks of Mutoid Man from Super Smash TV
  • Go on a adventure with Cookie Man and eat cookies and battle monsters and ghosts.


    Cookie Man is a game based on the Pac Man idea, but made for Touch devices and taken a few steps further.

    You steer Cookie Man by touching/clicking where you want him to go to. (Using Pathfinding)

    Eat all the crumbles to clear the level and enable next level. Collect one of each fruit to gain an extra life.

    If you eat one of the large cookies, you gain superpowers and can hunt the monsters, you are also immune against the Frosting Gun, as it´s shots will bounce of you.

    Collect the Ammocrate to get 5 bullets for Cookie Man´s Ghost Blaster gun, you will need them once you get to meet the monster Gozt Face.

    You need a Facebook account in order to play the game. We make use of Facebook for Score, Sharing, Gifting and IAP. We also use Parse for saving and loading game data. We developed our own Construct 2 plugins for these features.

    The game actually has 3 games in it.

    1. The main game, Cookie Man.

    2. Daily Flips, where you can earn extra coins if you are lucky enough. You can also spend coins in hopes of making more.

    3. Cookie Crush Race, if you clear a level of all crumbles and have at least 3 lives left, you get to play the Crush Race. In the Crush Race you can earn some extra scorepoints.

    We are working on putting the game onto Android and iOS.

    At the moment the new Plugins for Facebook and Parse that we developed, are still in an early state. We will share them with the rest of you later when they are more ready.


    Promo Video - YouTube

    Facebook Fanpage

    Facebook Appcenter listing

    Facebook Direkt link

    Developed by Frosty Elk AB

  • Awesome screenshots, But i can't see any of the gameplay on your video promo.

  • Nice!

  • Awesome screenshots, But i can't see any of the gameplay on your video promo.

    Uploaded a short clip of the game running:

  • frostyelk congrats for you game, you are genius!! i have one question

    # how you include the use or buy coin, this is very hard for me to implement. can you give example or .capx file for all of new construct 2 member.

    please Buddie give us the capx file or tell how to integrate buy coin through credit card plugin or some other method that you have employed.


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  • Pretty awesome.

  • frostyelk congrats for you game, you are genius!! i have one question

    # how you include the use or buy coin, this is very hard for me to implement. can you give example or .capx file for all of new construct 2 member.

    please Buddie give us the capx file or tell how to integrate buy coin through credit card plugin or some other method that you have employed.


    We have created our own Plugins for making the In App Payments work. We also created a new Facebook and a new Parse plugin that all together makes this all work.

    The plugins you see in the image above are new plugins created by our programmer at Frosty Elk.

    We are planning on releasing the Plugins for everyone, but we need some more time on them before we do so.

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