Apophis Game, Alpha!

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Is a system for building scorecards and achievements online for use in games Using this system, you can create a scorebo
  • hello all

    Scirra construct 2 is fantastic

    in a short time has allowed me to accomplish this:


    with action script 3 or the like it would take much more

    Thanks scirra, I took a few hours to do this ... I worked more on the graphics!

    Criticisms or suggestions?

    thanks to all <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Woah! The graphics is absolutely amazing!

    What tools did you use?

    Gameplay looks interesting, too.

    I would really like to see the final result as it is very promising.

    Keep up the good work :)

  • Nice graphics!

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  • Looks very nice man, good use of physics :)

  • Really cool realtime debugging stuff too!

  • Woah! The graphics is absolutely amazing!

    What tools did you use?

    Gameplay looks interesting, too.

    I would really like to see the final result as it is very promising.

    Keep up the good work :)

    Thank you so much heheh

    I used adobe photoshop using a wacom tablet to draw all the graphics!

    I was inspired in limbo ... I would like to make a horror game ...

    the hero has no animation, but I created the management of animations!

    I also want to implement the firearms really well done with all the detail ... many details are still missing ...

    Looks very nice man, good use of physics :)

    thanks to all, it was difficult to create the random wind that moves all physical objects!

    I like to support me by clicking on the relevant page on facebook please :)

    Official Facebook Page

    on facebook you will find two in-game screenshots where you can see perfectly the graphics

    thank you very much and sorry for my english

  • Hello everyone,

    here is a video of the alpha version of the game:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    proof of the animations and the first actions (turns around in full screen)

    tips? comments?

    thank you very much!

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