Letters From Mars!

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5 "Mars Legion" spaceships in top down view! Great for your game!
  • [attachment=0:1sv65aln]Image 6.png[/attachment:1sv65aln]

    My first game -- a hybrid word game/shooter/educational tool -- a word game training game! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">


    I've been using C2 for just one month now -- and this is all part of learning the tool (most of my time is spent reading) about C2. I'm putting it together slowly.

    I have implemented customizable game letter sets (enter your own letters to generate word lists for play). ... nothing big but this to see what could be done with the ideas from the tutorials here incorporating words... I've shared with a few friends and they find it fairly fun & addictive.

    I plan on mulitplayer, adding touch controls, a few 'stock' letter sets to choose from, a 'story mode' and other features as I think of them.

    Hope you enjoy -- this is definitely a 'work in progress' ... Feedback on playability is most welcome.

    Many thanks!

  • why I die instantly?? I don'y get it

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  • Naji -- thanks for checking it out! ... If you die 'instantly' that's not right. I've tested on desktop with Chrome, IE & Firefox, and it should work.

    If you mean 'instantly' when a letter touches you, that's on purpose. Did you read the 'How to Play' ?

    Admittedly I'm not good at explaining information, and the appeal of this game would lean towards word game enthusiasts -- you spell words, and spell as many as possible before dying. The possible words are English from a subset of the OWL dictionary.

    I'd be happy to answer any specific questions.

  • Nice concept! I'd try to simplify the controls, though, especially if you plan to release it to mobile.

  • kbtbc I didn't know I must not hit the words!!

  • Naji -- lol -- yeah, I guess I should have spelled that out :-p (sorry, bad pun) ... I appreciate your help testing and apologies for trouble ... please try 'reloading' or clearing your browser cache -- I did earlier have an issue with the menu that I fixed (there is still some clean-up with full logic, but it should work now).

    I do need to flesh out 'how to play' ... (and btw, you have quite a nice portfolio and website!)

    roberto -- thanks! -- I see you've done some educational stuff yourself - and a book - wow - you have such a rich gaming history! ... and yes, I definitely plan to work with touch controls. That, and multilayer, are my current goals. There is a lot of fun to be had! ... thanks again for your encouraging feedback.

  • kbtbc : thanks BTW, going back to your game, I think it'd work well with a virtual dual stick, one for moving around and one for shooting in any direction (check out Minigore on ios or android for an example).

    Keep it up!

  • Tried it again, very awesome game! I scored total of 2100 points. by the way, Glad that you liked my website!

  • kbtbc - Nice hybrid! A bit difficult but addicting. Hope you sent it to Kongregate nor Play Store.

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