Feedback Request: character quality

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2d mushroom sprite 2d game mushroom character enmy sprite game art
  • Just wondering which character looks better for my RPG.

    The low quality has its charms while the double quality one looks better.

  • I'd say the one on the right looks better.

    Why is the low quality one on the left outlined in pink?

    Of course, to really judge a character's art style, it helps to see the background or environment graphics.

    And it depends on how big the characters will be in-game, what kind of style you are going for, and how well you can animate them.

  • Maybe add a quality settings, but if you don't want, I'd say the one the the right.

  • Thank you for your feedback guys

    Other one was outlined in pink because there will be three types: melee, ranged, magic (I didn't outline the big guy yet sorry D:)

    Will be starting to design the backgrounds soon since I know what scale I'm working on (pixel wise)

  • Pick a p^2 tile, draw to scale.

    If you want upscaled, let the software render the final product for you. That will give you multiple benefits.

    1 to 4, 1 to 8 ratio etc. is just a waste of time and memory.

  • I strongly prefer the left one but without the pink outline. Has a sort of fire emblem style to it. Could use more vivid colors and greater contrast too...looks a bit pale.

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  • the left will be more easily animated

  • Agree with you that the left one has more charm. However I also believe that it depends on how you animate either one.

  • gillenew I agree, however I don't see the point with the wierd red outline thingy.

  • I'd say the one on the right looks better.

    Why is the low quality one on the left outlined in pink?

    Of course, to really judge a character's art style, it helps to see the background or environment graphics.

    And it depends on how big the characters will be in-game, what kind of style you are going for, and how well you can animate them.


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