Certain death! first prototype wip

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  • Hello, Mi name is Alvaro

    this is my first attemp at doing a videogame, this is a wip for about 2 months ( not full time ) its a prototype to test the mechanics of the game and kill the player all the time

    this game has no sound at this time.

    if someone is interested in continue this game with me ( i would like to form a team, i need sounds / music and a programmer) im a designer

    i would really apreciate some feedback, how to improve it,



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  • This game is very hard (like the name suggests,) but this game is really fun too. The art for this game is perfect! I don't think that I have the skills to help you out, I'm sorry. This is my game: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... enge-13069

    There are no sound effects, the programming is sloppy, and the art is... well... just terrible. Again, your game is awesome!

  • This game is very hard (like the name suggests,) but this game is really fun too. The art for this game is perfect! I don't think that I have the skills to help you out, I'm sorry. This is my game: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... enge-13069

    There are no sound effects, the programming is sloppy, and the art is... well... just terrible. Again, your game is awesome!

    well thanks for the reply!

    i dont think yours is terrible, maybe try to find some free graphics that you can use for this kind of game, maybe try to find some robots or the obvious zombies <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

  • It has all the makings of an amazing game but I didn't really have much fun; I feel like making the jumps etc. less floaty and more satisfying would help out immensely.

  • thanks Lithileix, im working on lower difficulty, the double jump im not sure to remove it, or leave it as a powerup

    It has all the makings of an amazing game but I didn't really have much fun; I feel like making the jumps etc. less floaty and more satisfying would help out immensely.

  • The project has a nice foundation for being a really nice game, however it needs a lot of polishing and tweaking to make it satisfying to play. You are on the right track so just keep working. I would make the character a bit faster and more responsive, like the jump should be less floaty (I suggest implementing jump strength, you can find it on forums) like Lithileix said, the character should jump and fall quicker, everything should happen at a fast pace in my opinion and then it will be a lot of fun!

  • The project has a nice foundation for being a really nice game, however it needs a lot of polishing and tweaking to make it satisfying to play. You are on the right track so just keep working. I would make the character a bit faster and more responsive, like the jump should be less floaty (I suggest implementing jump strength, you can find it on forums) like Lithileix said, the character should jump and fall quicker, everything should happen at a fast pace in my opinion and then it will be a lot of fun!

    thanks, this is a first prototype for testing the mechanics of the game, i will modify the jump and add the strenght to make it better, im working with a developer to sort this things out

    thanks for the feedback!

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