[plugin] Steam+leaderboard +experimental lobby [WIP]

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A complete example of an online lobby room with chat and characters.
  • Steam advises to not submit a game before it is finished...

    What about early access then?

    Kinda confusing on Valve's end if you ask me.

    Thanks for your time, I think I got everything now.

  • > Steam advises to not submit a game before it is finished...


    What about early access then?

    Kinda confusing on Valve's end if you ask me.

    Thanks for your time, I think I got everything now.

    If your game is near completion then I strongly advice you to submit it to greenlight as soon as possible. Just make sure that the greenlight page and trailer is as good as possible. The trailer is super important as most people don't even look at your text on the page before hitting the yes/no button

    The greenlight process can take weeks/months/years or worst case never so it's better to submit it early. When the game is greenlit you don't have to worry. Because there is no pressure to release it. You can keep working on it until you feel it's ready for release.

    And thanks to MadSpy we'll soon have a fully functional plugin that works great with Steam. He has added so much great features to the plugin which are not included in the official greenworks plugin that doesn't work atm. So I really hope people understand how much work went into this plugin that finally gives us a chance to publish our games on Steam without any problems

  • Hey man!

    It's amazing seeing how well this is coming along.

    Do you have any idea when you'll be releasing the plugin?

    I have a game releasing on Steam on the 28th of May and I'm wondering if it's worth holding it's release a little to include steam leaderboards.

    It's an arcade shooter so it would be perfect.

    Again, amazing work man!!!

  • Flump

    I suggest you to not postpone the release of your play...The plugin will be available shortly after your release (maybe soon before but I'm not sure for now).

    You can already prepare the trading cards (no need plugin for this) (I recommend a 30 minute drop rate) and any success you want to add

    I try to make the integration of the plugin as simple (and fast) as possible for a quick update

  • Flump

    I suggest you to not postpone the release of your play...The plugin will be available shortly after your release (maybe soon before but I'm not sure for now).

    You can already prepare the trading cards (no need plugin for this) (I recommend a 30 minute drop rate) and any success you want to add

    I try to make the integration of the plugin as simple (and fast) as possible for a quick update

    Awesome, thanks for letting me know

    Yeah, trading cards and Achievements are all set.

    It was just the leaderboards really...but they can wait until after release.

    Thank you again for letting me know

  • This is amazing work MadSpy however I am wondering how this will be supported in the long run. I've been burned by community plugins in the past where I'd start to use them and the person who made them no longer supports them.

    The worry is that when something in the C2>NW>Chromium dependency gets messed up so an update is necessary and then you find out that a plugin no longer works with your updated C2 (or C3).

    are you considering charging $$ for the plugin through the Scirra Store? I think people might even prefer that and give them confidence (and the expectation) that it will be supported with C2 updates.

  • Wow, if this works, we really need this plugin. Its the only thing that is holding us back from making a release day on steam...

  • jobel

    Thank you. I understand your concerns about a regular update of the plugin. The new code has some flexibility on windows (a plugin for nw14.0 works well with nw14.5)... but it's a lot of time spend to rebuild and fix the plugin each nw.js/chromium change.


    For now, the plugin pass all test as intended (except for experimental stuff)

  • Where is the like button when you really need it

  • jobel

    Thank you. I understand your concerns about a regular update of the plugin. The new code has some flexibility on windows (a plugin for nw14.0 works well with nw14.5)... but it's a lot of time spend to rebuild and fix the plugin each nw.js/chromium change.

    sure.. each change would be too much.. but you could consider "locking in" at a good stable C2 version and NW version. Then update on major changes to C2/NW. Anyone dependent on NW is used to being stuck on one version for a long time.. I'm still on NW 0.10!

    btw would this include Steam achievements?

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  • Yes Achievements, Leaderboards and DLC

  • > jobel

    > Thank you. I understand your concerns about a regular update of the plugin. The new code has some flexibility on windows (a plugin for nw14.0 works well with nw14.5)... but it's a lot of time spend to rebuild and fix the plugin each nw.js/chromium change.


    sure.. each change would be too much.. but you could consider "locking in" at a good stable C2 version and NW version. Then update on major changes to C2/NW. Anyone dependent on NW is used to being stuck on one version for a long time.. I'm still on NW 0.10!

    btw would this include Steam achievements?

    I second this, think it's a solid idea.

    I'm still on NW 0.10 too as it still seems to be the fastest version and allows for greenworks.

    Can't wait for this plugin so I don't have to mess about with SQL servers for the leaderboards.

  • I use nw12.0 (with c2 216 for small projects) and nw14.0/14.5 for now and I'm almost ready for nw15.x

    [quote:3cx0kfmp]Can't wait for this plugin so I don't have to mess about with SQL servers for the leaderboards.

    Should be easy to migrate your SQL data to Steam leaderboard if you want use the plugin

  • I actually have a suggestion, I don't know if its hard to do, but...

    Google Play plugin have an "PlayerImageURL" Expression who stores an URL to the logged user Profile Image.

    It's possible to do a similar expression for this plugin?

  • Steam APi doesn't use URL for users avatar/pictures only data stream (RGBA)

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