Acts.prototype.RegeneratePathOfMap = function (_position_x,_position_y,_radius)
var myinfo = this.getMyInfo();
var arr = myinfo.cells;
var x, y;
_position_x = Math.floor(_position_x / this.cellSize);
_position_y = Math.floor(_position_y / this.cellSize);
var x1 = _position_x-_radius, x2 = _position_x+_radius;
var y1 = _position_y-_radius, y2 = _position_y+_radius;
for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
for (y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
arr[x][y] = this.queryCellCollision(x, y);
myinfo.cells = arr;
myinfo.pathfinder["init"](this.myHcells, this.myVcells, arr, this.diagonalsEnabled);
AddNumberParam("PostionX", "Postion X");
AddNumberParam("PostionY", "Postion Y");
AddNumberParam("Radius", "Radius in cells");
AddAction(15, af_none, "Regenerate Path Of Map Obstacles", "", "New obstacles near [<i>{0}</i>, <i>{1}</i>] with radius <i>{2}</i> cells", "Regenerate Path Of Map Obstacles near point", "RegeneratePathOfMap");
i just put it here...