How do I Write file on android

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  • Hi,

    I made Tile2map , an tile editor to create game.

    It work great in browser, chromeos and event in android using the browser but when I compile it to .apk for android, the save fonction stop working.

    It's create the file with the name download.bin and is empty. I'm using the invoke download of a string (object browser). with the filename "Downloads/tile2map.json"

    I also try with the cranberry cordova-plugin-file to write and nothing work. I'm using construct 237. I try with XDK intel and phonegap. Same Problem.

    The permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is already config.

    I try on many phone and tablet.

    I try many things on internet and nothing work, really need help.


  • Hello,

    Check the permissions of your app on your phone. (Go to [settings>Apps>YourApp>Permissions] and check that the permission is checked)

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  • The permission is ok, write is enable. the file is written empty on the disk. Seem to be an URI compatibility problem with the android browser item.

  • After tons of test, i finally able to save file on android with the plugin cordova-plugin-file. The only way i found is change the Cordova CLI version in intel xdk and choose 5.1.1.

    I make some other test to find better option because cli 5.1.1 have some vulnerability.

  • After another batch of tests, I change the Cordova CLI version in intel xdk and choose 5.1.1. after that change to 5.4.4 but update only the cli.

    Now it's work great and no vulnerability.

    Some phone need to add permission manually. Setting-> App -> Tile2Map -> permissions and enable storage.

    I test it on some phone and it's work great:

    LG G3 (android 6.0

    Samsung Galaxy s7 edge (android 6.0.1)

    Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (android 6.0.1)

    Acer iconia 7 (android 4.4.4)

    Chinese model UM-A75 with a20 cpu (android 4.2.2)

    have fun

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