Recently, I have been trying to slightly modify my Windows 8 store apps so that I can release them on WP8. I've modified the resolution to fit a 15:9 screen when scaled, and that seems to be working fine (this particular app is in portrait). I'm using an HTC 8X to test the apps, and I know that phone is 16:9. If there is a small black line on the top or bottom outside the app, I imagine that would be acceptable.
The problem I'm having, though, is that there is an inexplicable large black bar and/or line on the bottom that overlaps my app when I run it in scale inner. Some people have told me that it's the application bar, but there is no such control in my Xaml, and when I add one and subsequently hide it, nothing happens. Scaling to letterbox allows my app to be fully visible, but much smaller than the screen. Hide address bar is enabled, and I have tried hiding the system tray to no avail. Has anyone else encountered this?
Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance!